Marron Marvel

Man. The little dude perfectly predicted internet culture. Horrible grammar and fictional ways to identify himself? Spot on.

“Professor X (Patrick Stewart) is old and not well. His powers are unstable and at times he doesn’t even remember Logan.”

I read that in a pretty dead-pan Ben Affleck voice, and it was perfect.

For some people that little red circle with a “1" in it negates free will.

I am glad to see a superhero finally designed in such a way that I can identify with and relate to him. Because I, too, am a colossal jerk.

He’s written a lot, it’s just that it’s 2,872 pages of descriptions of meals, clothing, heraldry, and chapters about viewpoint characters who have nothing to do with the main story, including a Braavosi certified accountant and some guy named Steve.

“Just the time I need to get this book finished.”

I feel 0K about it too! Haha! ...wait ...guys? Where’s everyone going?

-272 degrees below absolute zero? Damn, that’s some impossibly cold dislike.

Yeah, I can definitely see Tyrion and Sansa forging an alliance there. Hopefully she’ll remember that out of all the men she’s been linked to, he was the one who treated her with a degree of kindness. Now she’s grown up enough not to look at him and go “Ew, gross, a dwarf” and savvy enough to realise he never had much

I thought she was 100% Romulan. Not even kidding.

Counterquestion: How do you write so SLOW?

Whereas Martin’s ending will have no payoff simply because he’ll be dead before it ever gets written.

You’re mixed up there; he writes about ghosts.

Yeah it's almost like if there's any hint of a conflict a SCOTUS Justice should recuse *cough Thomas cough*

Benedict Copperfield in

“Hey everyone, there’s a new Marvel movie coming out this November. Send a tweet to Good Morning America to give your opinion on Marvel’s Benedict Copperfield!”

Due to there not being any need for the human body to develop pigment for the skin the resources within the body were able to be utilised more efficiently, leading to bodies being able to mature a lot faster.