Marron Marvel

No, I just wanted to say UPN again. Been a while.

When they’re in that elevator, going down to the supersoldier complex, I heard my husband mutter “now ... KISS!”

My own reactions to the Captain America twist have been basically yours, Rob: sometimes legacy comics will do bad storylines, and this looks like one of those. I am not hurt by comics being bad.

I still cry when I hear Fred Rogers' Emmy acceptance speech, so that's more emotion than any of the prequels got out of me.

In the words of Adam Savage, I reject your reality and substitute my own...where we see this woman get her crack at a Marvel role and make a career from it.

Excellent actress with good range, plus by the time Captain Marvel comes around she’ll be older. She won't be that much younger than Amanda Tapping was at the start of SG-1 either (she's currently about 5 years younger). I would recommend getting Envy out of your head, maybe palette cleanse with her character on

She'll be 27 later this year. That's young for a major, but a good age for a Captain. She's captain marvel. Problem solved.

I don’t want to be insensitive, but for me, having Spock Prime in those movies really just showed the shortcomings of Quinto’s Spock. He only vaguely looks like him, doesn’t sound like him at all, tries to talk like him, and you can raise your eyebrow all you want and say “Fascinating,” but he’s not even close to

I dunno, A magic mike Ghostbuster film would have touched me in all the right places.

As a male, and someone who did have this as part of their childhood, I really want this to be a good movie. I really wanted it to succeed just to shut up every mouth-breathing mra who doubted it.

I’d love to see the film makers version of the rules of acquisition.

I just want to tell you both good luck. We’re all counting on you.

You’d have Wolverine’s books, and they’d be so much darker and more brutal than the X-Men books, but they’d still fit in when you open the pages of the X-Men book. It’s new to movies, but it’s not new to storytelling.

That’s OK, I hate Firefly. I tried watching it, including that one episode everyone told me I’d love and I was so incredibly bored despite the fact that I love most of the cast.

When they were in that tiny VW I was wishing the movie was the three of them travelling around together on a quest to help Bucky, maybe throw in them meeting up with other characters at various points.

BP was on a laser-focused revenge mission, right up until he learned he was wrong, and was able to re-examine and stand down rather than continue to let (the now hollow) revenge drive him.

I am team Panther. He actually stayed true to his self the entire time. Did everything he could to avoid needless casualties and was overall a “good” person.

What if I told you, that harness is used to train puppies to be seeing eye dogs and it takes a while for them to get used to it?

For anyone interested, they did publish their results