Marron Marvel

As a Las Vegas native and huge Trekkie, I often went to Quark’s for my birthday and whenever out of town friends were visiting. We went on the last night The Experience was open and ordered a Warp Core Breach. My mom was with us and after we emptied the drink, she stuck the entire bowl in her giant purse! It was the

Iman Vellani, not Imon.

“when given the option between disabled or abled, a person will always choose the former even if they’ve been disabled their whole life.”

Star Trek The Experience was great. I have many fond memories of visiting the promenade and Quark’s, which we would go to for my birthday every year without fail. Near the end, I was able to get a box of matchbooks from Quark’s Bar. My mom held onto them for several years (because she is a pack rat) and, after

Or maybe you just don’t notice? I wear different amounts of makeup based on different days and activities. I have a work level amount of makeup, a day off going out cute amount, a day off running errands amount, a going out at night amount, and some others I’m probably forgetting. Sometimes we like to wear more or

I think now that she’s “embraced her dark side” and more “accepted” by her witch/wizard peers (begrudgingly or not), there will hopefully be less of that in every single episode. I have a feeling the new “doing something stupid and then fixing it the entire episode” will be “doing magic near/in front of Harvey while

I think the bluray sales weren’t good enough because they were so expensive. $118 for the first season when it was first released. Don’t get me wrong, I understand why, it was labor-intensive. But if they had thought more about making their money back long-term, they might have sold each season for less and,

This made me laugh a lot. Same, friend. Same.

I’ve had trouble playing my PS4 games using my Vita. I imagine using the controls on your iPhone would be even tougher! 

That would work well for an anthology-type show, too! Then you still have characters that carry over to help keep viewer interest, but you also get new characters and new adventures.

That probably would have been better than a statement that comes off as “we pulled it because we’re worried about losing money.”

This morning, the official Twitter account posted a tweet with a link to the maps that says “Welcome to the Second Age.” So now we know!

I stopped watching Arrow around season 4, I think. I only have one or two friends left that actively watch Arrow (that comment on it, anyway), and one of them is constantly saying things like “Why do I keep watching this?” Perhaps this is for the best. At least the show is ending on its own terms and won’t be canceled

An early Third Age story would be way more exciting than young Aragorn. Young Aragorn sounds like what we would get if this was going to be a CW show.

I mean, I was just going to discus throw my laptop into the sun, but your way seems easier.

Agreed. I receive an inordinate amount of glee just from the LifeHacker article titles alone. 

My sister from another mister. I have a heated mattress pad and a heated blanket so that both sides are toasted.

If the Space Force won’t fight aliens, then it’s up to us. Years of playing Mass Effect has prepared me to not only fight aliens but also possibly romance them. As long as fighting aliens does not also involve driving a Mako-like land rover, I am ready.

I’m looking forward to the follow-up to this article on LifeHacker, showing me easy tricks to close an uncloseable browser.