Marron Marvel

She MUST be held to account for her murder of TUVIX

Hopefully Kathryn Janeway will be depicted as speaking from Starfleet prison cell as she should have been immediately court martialed for her many many crimes that she committed in the Delta Quadrant.

You cannot spoil that which will never be published, Beth.

It’s common knowledge that Jean-Luc Picard is French for “John Wick Picard.”


It was a dumb proposal but I’m fine that it was included.

I’m mostly annoyed that Missandei was focused enough on revenge to yell “Dracarys” but not to grab Cersei and jump when she was holding her arm.

I was told there would be elephants.

I am replying to myself and my own article to let the record show that I am not racist since I wear white after Labor Day.

Of course the cat was fake, everyone knows cats don’t take direction.

Sabrina is a teenager her entire life for the next 10 years is going to be doing stupid shit, and trying to clean it up until she finally grows up and actually learns something from the stupid shit she has done. Lots of time some people never learn from that I mean look at her Aunts, doing stupid shit and covering it

I mean, to be fair, “Sabrina does dumb thing and spends the episode trying to clean it up” was also the premise of the other TV show, so, this isn’t really that much different.

I felt largely immune to some of the frustrations that some people felt in the first part of the season regarding Sabrina’s less-than-stellar record on making choices, but I think that immunity might vanish if the second part continues to lean on that too heavily.

I’d admire the hell out of the show if it actually had

That’s true, they were way overpriced. But that’s not new for Paramount. The DVD sets also cost 100 bucks per season, and back in the VHS days, a single VHS with just two episodes (when the tape would have fitted six) cost you 40 bucks. In comparison, I got the entire Babylon 5 DVD box set in the early aughts, five

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Some fans have also digitally recreated the SFX shots as proof of concept.

The nice thing about having immortal characters like Galadriel, Elrond, Gil-Galad, etc is that they could do massive time-jumps between seasons. One season could be the forging of the Rings of Power, the next could be Ar-Pharazon and the downfall of the Numenoreans, the next could be the War of the Last Alliance, etc.

I love Bake-Off, but I can’t stand this family show. First, because I like watching people who are massively better than me at cooking and/or baking, and second because if I wanted to see a passive-aggressive fight before a meal, I’d go make sauce at my mom’s house. 

If you’d rather not do that, just email them to me and I’ll type them in for you. Remember to tell me what accounts they are for. And also include your name, date of birth and social security so that I know it’s really you.

Probably because at those prices collectors were refusing to buy a second box set to keep unopened on the shelf.