Marron Marvel

/grabs idea pad, starts furiously writing

Ideographs are good enough for the ancient Chinese, and they’re good enough for me.

“Sometimes an eggplant is just an eggplant.” - Sigmund Freud

I miss words, they were so much more specific. A pictogram of green grass and an arrow just doesn’t say “get off my lawn” with the unambiguous authority I require.

I sell the show by telling them it’s exactly what an American Doctor Who reimagening would be... EXACTLY what it would be!

My theory on Rip Hunter is that his horrible job at time traveling is what causes the Time Masters organization to be formed, because once time travel becomes possible, a few people will notice someone had badly messed with the timeline so they form an organization to police it. Eventually hiring the very person that

How to be Captain Cold in 1 easy lesson:

There’s no easy way to tell you this, so I’ll come right out and say it:

Ryan Murphy says that the show’s next incarnation will play with two different ideas in a single season, unlike prior versions:

Gustin probably smiled at bit one time near Snyder. Like there was a puppy playing or a nice, warm sunbeam. Not like a massive smile, but the hint of one. That “the world can be a nifty place sometimes” type of smile. And it burned Snyder with the power of a thousand suns. Think your average Vampire movie when there’s

I’m responding to everything in the future by saying that ‘It’s cool. It’s mythologically okay.’

The best unspoken part of this series was that Kate was dressed as Hawkeye from M*A*S*H*

I really liked the whole page, but I kept it down to 2 panels.

Says someone who has clearly never had the pleasure of dining on a fine, supple plaid sleeve.

You should.... Steve’s a bitch

that’s also what i was thinking. he’s killing all the jay garricks from all the earths highlander style

Here’s the best explanation I’ve read:

Interesting off the wall theory:

Say “Velocity 9" backwards, and it sounds like, “Turn me on, dead Jay”...

...or not...