Marron Marvel

I still prefer the art styles from the mid 80s to the mid 90s. Few shows or manga have really spoken to me the way that character designs form artists like Haruhiki Mikimoto and Masamune Shirow have. More often than not Anime from the last five years comes across as terribly bland to me, visually.

I prefer the 90's designs... man, my old is showing.

Ooh, just don't let Ryan Murphy near it. He'll have the Phantom singing Sia's "Chandelier."

But who will be Carlotta? Me? Cuz I'll do it.

Why are we acting like this is only about her touching her 1 year old sister's vagina when she was 7 and not also about emotionally coercing her sister into sleeping in her bed and then masturbating while she sleeps? And about paying her sister in candy to give her long kisses on the lips? And about paying her sister

I completely heard that in Stan Lee's voice, well written!


"My own father, who loves speaking in movie tag lines, once told my aunt who had just finished chemo to 'die another day' as he was pulling out of her driveway"

I'll be honest, when I really think think about it... The clown scares me because I have a childhood fear of clowns...

She was also a soldier, and a physical trainer, which you consistently decide not to recognize. Other than the fact that she's "skinny", it doesn't seem like you have any objections that hold up. And being skinny doesn't mean she isn't strong, or badass or any of those things.

Friends, because i don't hate every single one of the main characters.

Sometimes their heads come off, sometimes they don't! I have one guy, Orthog Man-Stalker...i never want him to die. First time I killed him was from a distance, I killed him with an arrow headshot, easiest takedown I've had for a captain all game. Was honestly shocked. He came back all bandaged up and said he was

Well of course Gonzo would keep coming back. You can't keep a Muppet down.

I 'killed' Pushkrim the Shadow 4 or 5 times in the first hour or two of the game. Then he simply stopped showing up.
"Guess he's finally dead", thought I.
Heh heh heh. Well. I was pleasantly surprised during my final mission, and I'll leave it at that.

My first Sim finally bit the bullet 4 days ago. He was an Interstellar Smuggler who frequented space from home quite often. He had been resurrected from death once thanks to the pleading from his fiance. The Grim Reaper was kind of a dick afterwards. Alas, he could not fight him off a second time.

+1 for beginning the review with some good ol' chaos theory. Time to watch that one Community episode again.

Actually his most recent album is very solid and having just seen him in concert a month ago, I can easily say Paul McCartney's "past his prime" is better than the overwhelming majority of performers in their prime.

This is so silly it somehow circles back around to awesome. Totally incongruous, though., but then I get to that cheesy guitar solo and fall in love. It's like he saw Wall-E, heard that (great) Peter Gabriel song in it, and decided, "Hey, I want to make a song for something sci-fi!"

It probably has a touch of auto-tune, since few things that are this (over)produced don't, but he does sound good! Dude's voice will always be lovely, even when it's singing empty cliches about hope shining brightest in the dark.

you would be lucky to sound and look like he does at 72 years old...