Marron Marvel

I wanted Tom Bombadil.

Really? Are they that unusual? Frankly, I was more surprised they didn't factor in any added chili.

Choosing poorly can also cause white hair.

Tom Bombadil is 100 times more interesting than the fucking elf meet up that follows.

In the multiverse he did 7 movies. It was amazing. Total 70's crazy Dr. Strange too. He even won an Oscar.

Disney screwed up the ad campaign but it's a good, fun movie.

+1 For being old enough to know who is Sam and Diane.

I still prefer the art styles from the mid 80s to the mid 90s. Few shows or manga have really spoken to me the way that character designs form artists like Haruhiki Mikimoto and Masamune Shirow have. More often than not Anime from the last five years comes across as terribly bland to me, visually.

I prefer the 90's designs... man, my old is showing.

why stop at just 52? That's week!

I went paleo myself from 16 years of vegetarianism. I slowly developed wicked IBS and fatigue, despite being a research and nutrition queen. :( I feel SO much better now! I've slowly reintroduced grain items, and I can eat them again in smaller amounts (too much makes me constipated! WOO!). Beans slaughter me for days

he's busy burninating the countryside, burninating the peasants....

Spoiler alert! Bilbo distracts Thranduil with a dance off.

All right, Jackson detractors, I don't care. This looks fucking amazing.

I obviously meant use the other side to remove the nails so he will be normal and happy!

Ooh, just don't let Ryan Murphy near it. He'll have the Phantom singing Sia's "Chandelier."

But who will be Carlotta? Me? Cuz I'll do it.

"What if the Ghost of Wolverine killed the Marvel Universe?"

Why are we acting like this is only about her touching her 1 year old sister's vagina when she was 7 and not also about emotionally coercing her sister into sleeping in her bed and then masturbating while she sleeps? And about paying her sister in candy to give her long kisses on the lips? And about paying her sister

Origin story: he took a look within a book.