Marron Marvel

I completely heard that in Stan Lee's voice, well written!


"My own father, who loves speaking in movie tag lines, once told my aunt who had just finished chemo to 'die another day' as he was pulling out of her driveway"

I'll be honest, when I really think think about it... The clown scares me because I have a childhood fear of clowns...

It looks over 9000 times better to me....

In my opinion Dalek, Midnight, and Turn Left are the only epodes RTD wrote that I remember fondly. The rest were either mediocre, awful, and in one case, downright offensive (Love and Monsters obviously).

Columbo, Any Old Port in a Storm.

I don't mean to be that guy, but the Hulkbuster armor has always been that way. It's meant to be an extended armored suit that fits on top of his regular armor, which is be modular so that it can incorporate new weapons or armor pieces as needed. The armor he built to take down Thor worked the same way, with Thor

I personally hated the change to Faramir's character in the films. The whole point of his temptation and rejection in the book is to contrast his character with his brother Boromir and what they desired most in their lives.


Oh, I hope this works on more people—there are so many serious side effects to paralysis—to be able to counteract them even partially makes a huge difference. We're a species that's meant to walk—when we can't at all, our bodies suffer in all sorts of ways.

(R.I.P. Christopher Reeve)

I'm gonna eat too much dressed-crab and see what kinda nightmares I get!

(Not to be confused with 'Thriller' mode.)


I say we throw it in a river. If it drowns, well it was good, thanks for the memories. If not, then we burn it at the stake.

The Dresden Files TV series. The guy they had playing Harry was good, but the writing was just... yeesh.

I'd love to see it re-done as a Sherlock style series, with fewer but longer episodes that allow the convoluted problems that Dresden gets himself into time to really unfold.

The Hobbit. It might even still work as a trilogy if you capped the movies at around two hours each and didn't have everything bouncing around like an amusement park ride.