Marron Marvel

People who get mad at babies for crying on planes is such a mystery to me. I’m not a kid person, but I know that babies don’t know what the heck is happening; it’s just a loud scary thing that makes your ears hurt for unknown reasons. I have always just listened to music or watched in-flight entertainment to drown out

I’ve only ever played the first Devil May Cry game, but your review definitely makes me want to give this entry a try. I really wish I had more time for gaming!

This movie actually looks pretty fun and cute.

Or maybe she’s thinking about trying to steal a dragon! That’d be a fun challenge.

I’m really looking forward to seeing how this resolves itself! I have really enjoyed The Orville so far. It has a weird mix of naysayers who are like “fake Star Trek but with fart jokes!!!!!!” but I’m kind of here for that. I like a fake Star Trek where you can replicate yourself a jacket with 56 zippers. Feeling a

I’m excited for this movie! It looks exceptionally creepy.

I appreciate the return to this conversation a year and a half later. I have secretly thought Tom was the original for a long time, but people tend to scoff at that. There were serious talks in the writer’s room about Will being killed somehow and for Tom to join the Enterprise crew in his stead (taking over ops

Chibnal’s writing is definitely the weakest link in this series so far. The episodes written or co-written by other writers are much stronger/better. I have to say, I absolutely agree that I love Graham and the Doctor’s relationship. Graham is quickly shaping up to be one of my favorite modern-era companions next to

Two years ago, I knit a Fourth Doctor scarf for my husband. I may have to make a Thirteenth Doctor scarf for myself!

I don’t watch Arrow anymore, but I watch the others and thoroughly enjoy them -- especially Legends! Legends is just batshit insane at times, in the best of ways.

My dude. I have had a 17" laptop with a number pad for 3 years, and I did not even realize that the track pad is centered to just the main keyboard instead of to the entire laptop. Hopefully that illustrates how inconsequential the slight shift to the left is rather than how much of a dummy I am.

I totally feel you. I love a multi-book series like Discworld where every story stands alone and you don’t HAVE to read all of them or in any particular order (but you can). If I have to read a sequel to a book I read a year ago, especially if it’s one that ended on a cliffhanger, I often have to go google the plot of

why no one’s running around in Spandex yelling “To me, my X-Men!”

I’ve read that, too! Now, that would have been very interesting to see how the dynamic of the senior staff changed. Would Thomas be senior staff at all? Or would he be the conn guy that stays behind when everyone goes to the senior staff meeting? Would he and Diana’s blooming relationship fray because she outranked

Peter Quill :)

And, really, who is to say that Thomas Riker wasn’t the original and William Riker isn’t the mirrored/duplicated transporter pattern?

Circle of the Moon is a fantastic, underappreciated game, but I wouldn’t go as far as to say that it’s the best Castlevania game. It’s definitely up there, though!

It makes no sense for a guy who is usually a stunt person to be playing both the first White Walker and the Night King if they aren’t meant to be the same person. He’s not an actor-actor, he’s a stunt person-actor.

Source that they weren’t intended to be the same actor?

Like, not only did you not watch THE ENTIRE VIDEO, but you didn’t even read the whole article. Let us spell it out for you: