Marron Marvel

It’s the same actor who plays the guy in the Three Eyed Raven vision and the Night King, so that is probably a big clue that the first White Walker they created was the Night King.

If you like it, eat it. If you don’t, don’t. I’m personally a fan of the lemon and birthday cake flavors.

1) I feel like maybe you have never actually seen the entirety of the movie When Harry Met Sally.

Large Marge from Pee Wee’s Big Adventure still haunts me. Even watching that movie as an adult I have to cover my eyes during that bit.

Unfortunately, the source you site leads to a 404 page for me.

Had to watch this on mute with CC at work. Looking forward to seeing the devil hotel’s kitchen team up with the immortal I’m just you (AKA the kid with the glowing fish).

You are the best.

Even if vaccines caused autism, which they do not, are you saying that you would rather your child possibly die from an easily-preventable disease than be diagnosed with autism? Alive kid > dead kid IMO.

Well, the bigger thing was that I wanted to watch Netflix, but the last time I tried to suspend a video game to watch Netflix, it restarted the game, so I was too paranoid to do that. lol.

There are signs near many fishing spots that say something along the lines of “These fish are swimming here.”

I was about four hours into Pitios when my husband came home from work. I was nearly in tears because I wanted to take a break and watch some netflix or something to rest my hands, but there was nowhere to save and no way to stop. Don’t get me wrong, I highly enjoyed the entire experience, even if it was frustrating

I just finished Pitios this weekend, and it was pretty amazing. This dungeon was such a joy and frustration all in one. Some areas nearly made me cry in frustration with missed jumps about 4 hours in. It took me 5 and a half hours to finish (not counting the 4 times I crashed the Regalia trying to land on that dang

Try joining a guild or two. I’m on every weekend on PS4 and there are always at least 10-15 people in guild chat, plus those using guild chat.

Well, to be fair, just because she named the baby something doesn’t mean that Ned had to use that name. Maybe Jon is a fake name as much as Snow is. Plus, with no sound, the shape of the mouth making the word “Jon” could totally look like “ahn.”

1) Just because Carol Danvers is currently a higher-ranking officer in the comics, that does not mean she has to start out as a major in the movie.

So far, the thing I like best is that Kate McKinnon’s appearance seems to be an homage to the cartoon version of Egon. I want to like this, but it just seems like it’s going to be not-that-great. I am not a fan of Melissa McCarthy, so that is definitely part of it. I would have loved to see some actresses like Gina

I have, for so long, felt like I’m the only person on the Internet who hates Firefly. Now I know I’m not alone! *sobs* You’ve made my day.

Yes! Team Panther all the way. He was the only real hero in the entire movie.

Yes! I love this series.

As I’ve told my friends who asked how it was, Batman v Superman is so boring that even Bruce Wayne slept through a third of it.