Marron Marvel

Wow, I apparently still get chills from reading that panel.

Final Fantasy IV. I don’t know. Maybe it’s because this is the first RPG I played, but I still love it. I own (or have owned) this game on SNES, PS1, Game Boy Advance, Nintendo DS, Wii virtual console and iOS. Squeenix has made so much money selling and re-selling this game to me.

Does anyone remember the Flash villain Cobalt Blue from the late 90s? He was the Flash villain that turned out to be Barry Allen’s twin brother separated at birth. Maybe they are combining elements of that character along with the Rival and Zoom. Zoom is Hunter Zolomon, Jay’s twin brother who was separated from their

This is basically my theory as well, but boiled down really simply instead of a paragraphs-long post that I deleted that made me look like a crazy person.

+1 for the Beatles reference. <3

Which one can you not look at because there’s too much lens flare? Solve this riddle, and you’ll find your answer.

*Standing ovation*

I wonder if things like Terminator Genisys and Pride and Prejudice and Zombies are the types of roles Matt Smith imagined he’d be playing when he left Doctor Who to become a “Hollywood movie star.”

Drought was my second guess after “man.” I’m from Las Vegas originally; I talked to my mom on the phone the other day, and she said the water level at Lake Mead is so low that “soon they’ll be able to find all of the dead bodies the mob dumped in there.” That’s pretty low. I think I read that scientists think it will

Touche. But talking about stuff that happens in previous episodes doesn’t jive with Star Trek’s M.O. ;)

Well, to be fair, it was a suggestion scientists were going to make to Starfleet/the Federation, not something put into law. Like posted speed limits on highways. ;)

In the end, I think I’m okay with it because pretty much every episode of every Star Trek television franchise ignores all of the other episodes (much of DS9 excluded). In a lot of ways, the fallout of Khan from STID would have probably been dealt with in the months after. If this movie took place then, of course it

These are like the action figures of Mulder and Scully based off of the Robot Chicken versions of Mulder and Scully.

In a surprise twist, Wonder Woman’s real name is actually Dawn, and she goes by Diana for short (like how Jack is short for John).

I have been commenting on various Giz sites (mostly io9) since 2012 and am still in the grey. Granted, I don’t comment on every article I read, but I do read many articles on these sites daily.

I am a die-hard Trekkie. Into Darkness did make me pretty mad, but mostly because of the “it’s not Khan wink wink” followed by the “Space Seed”/WoT rehash business. I really liked the original reboot film, though. I agree that movie Star Trek needs to be a different than TV Star Trek. Both TOS and TNG figured this out

Yes! This, exactly. STID was mostly fine sci-fi action flick, but it was missing a certain je ne sais quoi that made it Star Trek.

For the most part, I am happy for my friends that are super into Star Wars that this appears to be a great movie. However, there is a small bitter part of me (the Trekkie part) that wishes the feedback was more along the lines of, “This is NOT Star Wars!” or “This is just a horrible rehash of The Empire Strikes Back!”

I never knew I wanted this before you said it, but now I need it.