Marron Marvel

My husband is always laughing at me when we watch Arrow and someone says “mirukuru” - I’m part Japanese and was raised by my Japanese grandmother, and white people saying “mirukuru” is a pet peeve I never knew I had until I started watching this show.

26 years later and Bart Simpson is 10 years old.

His first mistake was that he forgot to swap out the grail for a bag of sand that weighs approximately the same amount. No wonder things went downhill from there.

If you want a more trippy comic book song, listen to Paul McCartney’s Magneto and “Titanium Man.”

Damn you, NBC. Always giving up on things. :(

I think I might be the only person who really liked the show Awake and was bummed it was canceled.

Guilt, maybe?

Here are my top fives:

This. This is what I want.

Turning Peter Vincent into a rock-star magician (which there are exactly zero of in reality, compared to the hundreds of cable access horror hosts across the country)

I was honestly surprised it didn’t happen sooner than it did.

I totally get that. When I’m cold, I ask my husband his opinion so that he’ll release some of that hot air he’s full of.

I’m just here for the comments.

Godzilla. You were thinking of Godzilla.

My hubby and I both liked it. It wasn’t perfect, but it wasn’t as horrible as everyone is making it out to be.

This article belongs on the FOX News website, because it’s highly inaccurate.

FFIX on the iPhone next, please, Squeenix.

Personally, I don’t care what you call them; I just can’t wait to buy the t-shirts for this movie that are only the Ecto-1 or secretary Chris Hemsworth - because you can’t sell t-shirts with ladies on them, obviously.

They Photoshopped them out. They’ll Photoshop them back in for the film.

I hope that it’s a plot point that Lex Luthor is wearing a wig, because that thing is awful.