Marron Marvel

Seems like this might be a good time to start reading comics again!

“Good artists copy, great artists steal.” -Pablo Piccasso

LoseIt and MyFitnessPal are basically the same as WW, but with calories instead of points. The databases are much bigger and more comprehensive at least!

I am in weekly Fitbit challenges with my coworkers, most of whom have become outside of work friends, and I think I only won once, when I was on vacation in London. Otherwise, I am usually pretty far behind the most active two of five people involved. It doesn’t discourage me, though. Being part of the “game” in any

The start of the HBO in-house commercial is how I know it’s time for a bathroom break before GoT breaks my soul.

Newt Gingrich built a moon base.

Yes, you’re right. Age of Ultron was totally less interesting for me as a lady. I mean, there were only 47 explosions, and I need a minimum of 58 to find an action movie to be exciting.

D.B. Cooper is Don Draper - at least, he is according to one popular fan theory.

I’m just kind of mad that people who are not me collectively decided that Google Glasses just aren’t going to be a thing. I would much rather have Glass than an Apple Watch, especially after seeing the movie Kingsmen: The Secret Service.

Why does Peter Parker have to be white, though? I don’t feel like there are any rules stating that Peter Parker can’t be the name of a POC. For all we know, his real name could be Zhang Wei Wong, and Peter Parker is just his “English” name.

Anyone else hoping for Star Trek vs Star Trek?

I do this with my dogs. In front of my husband. He does it as well sometimes. Never give up singing songs about your cat to your cat; your cat will never give up singing you the song of her people at 4 am after all.

I think that this is indicative of the times and the kind of mentality we as viewers have nowadays in the world of social media-driven attention spans. I would rather play video games with my husband for 3 hours on a Sunday night, then read a list of winners and watch video clips of the highlights, because I know that

But really, why not just make January, February, and March all have 30 days? January and March, you greedy bastards!

To be fair though, "shutity up" felt very much like a "this is a children's show and I'm not allowed to curse" Malcolm Tucker.

Or maybe he's about to play football with NFL SuperPro.

I really enjoyed Mercedes Lackey's take on the Welsh Arthurian tales with "Gwenhwyfar."

I cannot wait to see this. It looks AMAZEBALLS. It appears to include the best Nicolas Cage LARPing scenes since Season of the Witch.

Interesting. I used to regularly (and still occasionally do) take 12 minute power-naps. I'm not sure where 12 minutes came from. I probably read it on the Internet somewhere. It seems like the perfect amount of time for a quick rest for me, though, so I haven't really deviated from that.

Tricksy Jacksonses!!!