Marron Marvel

Dude, I was ugly sobbing in the theater at that point. And I am the person who says "eww, kissing" and complains about love triangles in modern fiction. I do like that she didn't throw herself into Legolas' arms.

I have to work late tonight and will be in the office by myself. I know what I'll be watching to help keep me company!

It's just a shame that Janeway sets such a horrible example for girls everywhere by being such a terrible captain.

This is because a bread machine removes the most important element of making bread: punching the dough as if it was Solas from Dragon Age Inquisition's face.

The PSTV. I bought it for my husband for Hanukkah as it was on sale on Amazon for $69. From reading the description about it, I thought it would be great: I could stream Dragon Age Inquisition upstairs to our bedroom TV from the PS4 while my husband continues to play Fallout on the Xbox on our downstairs TV. Well,

Me, too! This is one of my favorites.

In before Lazarus Pit.

Ummm, our beloved Seventh Doctor, Sylvester McCoy, and his Scottish accent feel like you are full of shite.

Fry sauce is the only sauce worthy of fries!

I was thinking maybe it's the Grinch.

I was being silly, too. :)

I think I read this What If? issue. In the 90s.

Maybe they're not announcing something. Maybe they're just trying to give Frozen a hint.

I have had issues with sleep paralysis since I was a little kid. I have vivid, life-like dreams where I am in bed and can't move, and I feel this evil presence trying to attack me. I can still remember with vivid clarity the first time I experienced this phenomena. I was seven years old, playing at a neighbor's house

After watching a few episodes of Forever, I think Ioan Gruffudd would make an excellent Doctor Strange. Benedict Cumberbatch will undoubtedly do a fantastic job if he accepts the role, however.

YES! I love this episode.

Midnight is actually the episode that got me hooked on New!Who. Before that, I had only watched/had interest in Classic!Who.

Don't feel bad about being that guy. I came here to be that gal, but you saved me the trip. ;)

I liked it, too. You are not alone!

Hi! I'm Tiarra, though I have been "Marron" on the interwebs since the AOL days of screen names. As you can probably guess from my username and pic, I like-ah the comics. I'm a huge sci-fi geek, whose geeky genes were passed down to me through my mother, who took me to my first Star Trek convention when I was 11