Marron Marvel

If you look at any of the Classic Who stuff, the credits literally say stuff like "Jon Pertwee as Doctor Who." So, you know. Annoying? Maybe. Incorrect? No, based on a technicality.

I really wish I wasn't so horrible at this game. I have killed like 4 orcs, and like 20 have killed me. It also takes me forever to kill the normal ones. I don't know what I'm doing wrong. :(

Well, remember when the TARDIS tried to throw off Captain Jack because he should have been dead? After all is said and done, Amy and Rory (especially) should have been dead a few times over, but instead became massive paradoxes. At least, that's what I took away from it.

Oh, no doubt; there's some very interesting stuff going on there, but I still feel like it's a horrible choice for the episode to encourage newbies to watch their first time out. I understand that it's likely because of the whole video-that-explains-who-the-Doctor-is thing, but I can say "He's an alien and he time

I mostly agree with that. It does a good job of showing the whole time-travel aspect of things, and has weird monsters and stuff.

Bless you, sir. It's nice to know that I'm not the only person in the world that didn't think Firefly was the best thing since sliced bread.

For me, the episode in question is Doctor Who's "Blink." I think it's okay, but every time I hear someone recommend this episode to people who are interested in watching Doctor Who for the first time, it raises all of the alarms in my brain. No! It's nowhere near the best episode of Doctor Who as so many people seem

Not gonna lie, I skipped right to the top 10. And they're my top 10, too. And pretty much in that order! I would have just swapped 7 and 8. I'll now go back and read the rest of the list. Long story short, good job.

I was born in 1981, and have always been told that I was part of Generation Y. As in, "Y does my mom have to perm my hair the week before I start sixth grade?"

Grits, grits, grits, grits, grits, grits... Tangerine?! Go home, Mississippi, you're drunk.

I feel you on this. I feel like watching this as an adult in the 2000s for the first time ruined it for me. It was okay, but not scary at all.

Thank you. This is so spot on. The horror genre has so many sub-genres; what may be scary to some may not be to others. I'm with you on the paranoia/phobia/isolation/haunted house stuff. That's my jam. Speaking of, have you seen As Above, So Below yet? My husband is a wuss so I can't take him to see any scary movies,

I think it's gotta work off of the "dolls are creepy as fuck" vibe. If you aren't creeped out by dolls, then murderous dolls probably aren't going to scare you much. Just stab you.

I was literally quoted in a newspaper as saying, "More like ParaSNOREmal Activity" when the first movie came out. I didn't find it scary at all. Haven't bothered with any of the sequels.

Agreed. And, man, that soundtrack.

I can't watch this movie. It scares the shit out of me every time because I am unsettled by clowns, even as an adult. When I was around 2-3, I was in the Shriner's Hospital for over a year, and of course they used to have clowns visit the children. I think that because I saw clowns in the hospital, when I was very

Gawd. My best friend and I went to see that movie when we were in high school, and we could not stop laughing throughout the film. It was just so ridiculous and not scary at all. I still lose it just thinking about them throwing the map in the river.

I don't know, I still feel like a lot of problems in my 20s would have been solved if my mom had been turned into a bear.

I think you missed the joke. Robin introduced the giant as "Little John" and then the actual Little John jumped out and they all laughed in an "Ah-hah! Gotcha!" kind of way. Implying the dwarf is, indeed, Little John.

Didn't I just see this dress in an article on io9 about absurd anime costumes?