Marron Marvel

Since this is a movie where Hank Pym is older, could Hope be his and Janet's daughter? Or just Janet's daughter? Hope IS the name of Hank and Janet's daughter in the Avengers Next comics from the late 1990s. I mean, why can't they just say that, and that's not a big deal? I can see Hank Pym being especially annoyed

if this looks like a dick to you instead of a lobster tail, you have been with some very weird, three-balled men.

This. This so much. Sylvester McCoy's Doctor is my favorite Doctor, and there's so precious little of him on screen. His audios just don't seem to be as great as some of the others out there, either, which is disappointing.

Gau is actually ridiculously overpowered in the World of Balance if you can get the right rages. There's one called Stray Cat, which does almost 2.5x as much physical damage per hit as a regular attack from Cyan. He's pretty versatile, which can be fun. There's a guy on youtube that has a series of "Gau solo

I've played the game several times, and I've never beat it in under 50. Most of my games were right around 70-75 hours, especially back when it first came out. Then again, I always spend hours level grinding, collecting different abilities for Gau and different blue magic summons. No, it's not necessary, but it's part

I got goosebumps reading this. So, so perfect.

10 hours is hardly enough time to judge a game that is easily 70-80 hours.

10 hours is hardly enough time to judge a game that is easily 70-80 hours.

10 hours is hardly enough time to judge a game that is easily 70-80 hours.

I really feel like you should be working at NASA or something, because that's genius.

I can't drink milk. I don't like soy milk as it makes me gag (not to mention there's been some talk about soy being bad for people with hypothyroid). I like the way unsweetened almond and coconut milks taste, so I use them instead. Is it snobbery to want to consume foods you like vs hate? This is also the reason I eat

"Of all the souls I have encountered in my travels, [hers] was the most... human."

Now I can only thing about that one episode of Dexter's Lab. "Omelette du fromage."

It could also be that the language evolves. I learned Japanese from my grandmother, who came to the US in 1959. When I took Japanese in college (foreign language easy A? yes, please!) there were a surprising number of ways that I would have said things that are now out-of-date and no longer used. There's a myriad of

This gives me hope that somewhere out there exists the language learning equivalent of Stronglifts 5x5.

It really depends on what you're into. I wasn't really into the new Doctor Who until I saw the episode "Midnight," which reminded me very much of a horror movie. And, since I'm into horror, that helped. If you like classic horror (keeping in mind it will never be gory because Doctor Who is technically a kid's show),

Also? You have the best. username. EVER.

I've never seen any of the Transformers films. No interest whatsoever.

There are a few in Japanese. 売買 (sounds like "bye bye") means "trade" or "buy and sell." 乱暴 (ranbo, sometimes incorrectly spelled as "rambo" when written in romanji) means "violence" — which seems appropriate. 買 (kau) means "purchase." 完売 (kanbai) means "sold out," so you can't buy (omg I'm so clever).

I've been eating a low carb, moderate protein, high fat (mostly healthy fats) diet for about a year and a half now (that probably sounds horrible, but I've lost and kept off 40 lbs). Bulletproof coffee is awesome. I prefer just coconut oil and not butter, or sometimes coconut oil and a little cream. You can totally do