Marron Marvel

This is also my choice. I love TNG! It's probably my favorite television show ever; and with 7 seasons, I'd never get bored watching it — in fact, I re-watch TNG once a year, and I still haven't gotten bored with it all of these years later!

I am vaguely worried that the Trek show we'll eventually get is the nu-Trek version ofThe Next Generation, with the same characters and a new cast.

Hubby and I use the refillable kind, too. Definitely less wasteful, and super easy to clean. I've thought about saving the coffee grounds to start composting, but I'm not there yet.

Having received my degree from UNLV, I'm not sure that's the source you want to quote. ;) The general rule of thumb for many tricky proper/nouns is if you're adding "the" in front of it, "earth" is not capitalized. So, the way you wrote it both times in the article would be correct.

I'm not going to argue with you about that, for sure! It's not my favorite Trek film by any stretch, but there are a lot of individual scenes that I really like.

It's the camping scenes. This film is obviously much more campy than many of the others (no pun intended), but I think the friendship between Kirk, Spock, and Bones really shines through. I think that kind of makes all the middle bits a little more forgivable to me.

Well, at least now my husband can rest easy knowing that the Indians are no longer the worst baseball team ever, because that's pretty bad.

Now playing

Or, are all of us a little bit Nicolas Cage?

Okay, I feel a lot better now. I thought you meant that I should have cited those movies instead of WoT and Undiscovered Country.

Nicholas Cage is way too over the top

Are you me?

As the ones you like or don't like? Because I really enjoyed the '09 one, but hated Into Darkness.

I love Star Trek V, I don't know what anyone else is talking about. I mean, it's no The Wrath of Khan or The Undiscovered Country, but it's also no Insurrection.

Rob, I don't want to be that person, but I totally am. Sorry; I edit copy as part of my day job. I do this out of love, I swear.

I recently moved from Las Vegas to DC, so I have to say that yes, this winter was as bad as I thought — even if it was just from a personal standpoint.

So many feels. I'm glad someone else shared this one, it's definitely my favorite.

Yes, please.

That's kind of awesome. Talk about fortuitous timing!

I came here to say just the same thing. Except I first discovered this show two weeks ago and then binge-watched all the episodes. So amazing.