Marron Marvel

Yes please!


OMG! I used to watch this all the time when I was a little kid.

I don't know about the Captain Pike part, but we are definitely overdue for a new Star Trek.

Hopefully my subconscious will remember this next time I have a paralysis dream. I get them quite frequently, maybe once a month or so. Most of the time, I'm lucky in that I apparently make strange noises when this happens, and it's enough to wake my husband, who wakes me up. Not always, though :(

I need to learn this technique STAT.

These are really emotion-invoking for me, as someone who frequently suffers from sleep paralysis. Most of the time, my dreams involve me "waking up" in my bedroom and being unable to move. It's not always the inability to move that fills me with terror, however; it's my inability to speak — or scream. The first time I

Are you me? *hugs*

I am totally for mangagement rings. The Valentine's Day after my now-hubby and I got engaged, I gave him a claddagh ring.

In the original comics, Rocket lives on a planet full of talking animals, crewing a spaceship called the Rack 'n' Ruin, along with his first mate Wal Russ, a talking Walrus, and they protect an all-powerful Gideon Bible from space marauders.

The Red Wedding episode was the first episode of GoT I ever saw (I was never really interested before, and my hubby usually watched it in the other room). I was like, "Well, at least now if I decide to finally watch this with you, I don't have to feel attached to anyone." So sad, yet so true, haha.

I love you! I've been replaying FFIV on my iPad, and the Lunar Whale is the bestest EVAR.

#3 so hard. Everyone in a movie nowadays is an enemy or a love interest. I miss camaraderie (side note: "camaraderie" is misspelled in the article) in films. Even though The Final Frontier is by no means the greatest film, I always think about it whenever I think about Kirk, Spock, and McCoy's relationship, because of

Discless XBone? How about Kinectless and $100 less? Then I might actually care.

This is actually the episode that got me into New Who. It's a great stand-alone piece.

The cover for "The Final Countdown" looks like it could blend almost seamlessly with some of the opening credits from classic Doctor Who. I smell a crossover!

I have a lot of difficulty telling the difference between if something is wet or if it's dry just by touch if said object is cold. I wonder if this is the same sort of thing?

My mom grew up in Vegas during this time. She said they used to have drills in school where they would practice hiding under their desks in case of a nuclear explosion. Surreal.

One of the few movies that makes me ugly cry every single time.

I just watched Big Fish a few weeks ago on Netflix! Love it.