Marron Marvel

I just wanted to say that I liked that your comment about it not passing the Bechdel Test ended in you talking about how Urban is nice eyecandy.

YES. Love this!

YES THANK YOU. You and I are apparently the only two people in the Internets that hate Firefly.

Gurl, you gonna let some other people respond to your post or you just gonna reply with all the best shows yourself?

I kind of worry about a female Doctor just because I don't trust Moffat to write her well. Now, if Mark Gatiss takes over, then maybe. But I also worry that the first female Doctor will be like Katherine Janeway compared to Kirk, Picard, and Sisko. Janeway was the worst captain EVER, largely because of poor writing

I hope Clara no longer fancies him because he's older now and THEN she's stuck with him. I think that would make it more fun.

Oh, man. That would be wonderful.

He literally said that the Time Lords gave him a "new regeneration cycle" — to me, cycle means another 12 regenerations.

That end speech, side by side with a newly-regenerated 12's asking if Clara knows how to fly the TARDIS is great. If he's got amnesia about how to fly the TARDIS, what else has he forgotten? Love it.

"Midnight" is the very first episode of Doctor Who I ever saw, and that's what got me hooked.

I know we only saw him for ten seconds, but I'm pretty sure the 12th Doctor is my spirit animal.

This makes me sad, but not surprised. I feel like Hollywood has a long and sordid history of not understanding Japanese film enough to remake things in English and make them work.

Charlie Jane Anders. She's always solving the mystery of why some movies are good and some movies are bad.

To me, the novels are more cannon than Enterprise will ever be.

It really is! If you're already taking good pictures with a P&S, you'll be blown away by the pictures you're taking with a DSLR. I suggest you also splurge and get an inexpensive UV filter. While DSLRs work a little differently than ye olde fashioned SLRs, it's still an easy, inexpensive way to keep your lens safe.

I fell asleep right before this started (not knowing it existed), and woke up briefly around the time Gaga and Kermit were doing a duet, falling back to sleep a minute or so later. I thought I was having some kind of weird, turkey-fueled nightmare, which I told my husband about today. He was like, "No, that happened,

Wow, 50% off makes these totally affordable.

Yes! You deserve this so hard. Your life will be changed when you go from P&S to DSLR.

The new "Fellowship" eyeshadow collection from Geek Chic Cosmetics. $27 for 8 awesome loose powder eyeshadows? AND free shipping? Yes, please!

THANK YOU! I hate this episode SO MUCH.