Marron Marvel

Yeah. Considering that I graduated from high school in 1999, I'm ready to be done angsting over it!

I've had the school dream often, too. But for me, it's high school. I suddenly decided to show up to school after missing an entire quarter, and if I don't show up to all of my classes that day, I won't graduate. But I don't know what classes I have or where any of the rooms are.

Feeling paralyzed is a nightmare I've had several time, from as young as around six or seven. Most recently, a few weeks ago, I dreamt that my husband and I were camping, and when we went to sleep in the cabin, I saw something in the corner of the room, but I suddenly couldn't move, and I tried calling out but my

Off the top of my head:

There have been times when Smith has been really great, which leads me to believe it's more the writing than his acting. Or maybe he's just really, really good at looking sad while Karen Gillan does great acting next to him, I dunno. I do agree that it's a very similar case as it was with Colin Baker. I'm definitely

I honestly think that has more to do with the writing than with Smith himself.

Vincent and the Doctor is pretty much the last worthwhile episode of Matt Smith's Doctor to watch. The rest of it is passable, but none of it gets as good as Vincent and the Doctor except for maybe The Doctor's Wife.

Don't let anyone bully you into watching things you don't want to watch. Personally, I hated Doctor Who the first time I watched it, when a friend tried to get me to watch it from the beginning. Then one day, I randomly watched "Midnight" on BBC America (an episode near the end of Tennant's run) and became hooked. I

That's because Ben Kingsley is playing them all, and he is bald.

My mom was a horrible parent and took me to see scary movies from the age of six or so. So, I have a lot of trouble being scared by scary movies. I'm actually quoted in my college newspaper as calling #8 "ParaSNOREmal Activity."

Now I see where you get your user name, because you are EVIL INCARNATE.

Me, too. Give me salt & vinegar over salt & chocolate any day.

I remember growing up, when we went to the movies, my mom would always buy a bag of popcorn and box of Raisinets. She would pour the Raisinets in the popcorn, and it was one of the most delicious things ever.

I was raised by my Japanese grandmother, and I always ate watermelon with salt sprinkled on it. I didn't know there was any other way until later on in life when I did that in front of other people and they were like, "WHAT IS THIS MADNESS?"


For some reason, when I see pictures of actual Poochie, I am highly disappointed. This may be because, in my head, he is dressed more like Jubilee from the X-Men in her classic yellow trench coat.

I would watch a buddy cop show about Pulaski and Odo.

Witches of East End looks like "Sexy!Charmed" to me; which may be reason enough to give it a try.


As the wife of a comic book geek, who is also a comic book geek, rest assured that one day kissing a girl and not thinking of these sorts of things are NOT mutually exclusive.