Marron Marvel

"You okay, Jim? How do you feel?"

Ahhhh, right in the feels!

So it turns out that being raised by my Japanese-from-Japan grandmother and being taught to internalize all of my emotions so that I wouldn't shame my family is actually a good thing?

I would check out the Star Trek: Destiny trilogy by David Mack. It goes into a massive war with the Borg, along with their origin story and some other cool stuff. After that, check out the Typhon Pact books. Zero Sum Game is the first of them and also by Mack. Rough Beasts of Empire is the 3rd Typhon Pact book, by

Yeah. The Star Trek novels are not considered canon anywhere but in my head.

I forgot all about this. Love it. I would watch a Watchmen cartoon done in the style and tone of the Venture Bros.

Yes! Love it. I enjoy many of the Star Trek novels, but this is one of my favorites.

The mirror universe is canon.

What If? volume 2 #113: What if Tony Stark Became the Master of the Mystical Arts?!

True. I've never been a fan of sitcoms. But every episode of BBT I've seen involves Penny or one of the other girls kind of being weirded out by the guys' geeky interests and the laugh track laughing because, yeah, they are so weird and funny it deserves to be laughed at. Maybe I've just watched all of the wrong

Yes. I love Community!

Probably why I don't watch sitcoms, then. lol.

I don't think it's that inaccurate. I also don't think it's mean-spirited; I just wish there was a way to make the jokes without it seeming like the guys are the butt of the jokes.

The problem with Big Bang Theory is that all of their geeky activities and their geeky lifestyle is the punch line of every joke.

Sorry, Miley, but you just can't pull off the up-close singing/single-tear-rolling-down-the-cheek like Sinead O'Connor.

I was just about to come in and ask if there was some kind of stipulation in her contract where she is no longer allowed to wear pants.

Okay, I want to be skinny, but I don't really want to be eating skinny people poop or getting a skinny person fecal transplant skinny. Guess I'll just be fat forever. :(

There is a "He Marvel" — it's Captain Marvel. In her origins story, Carol Danvers gets her powers after meeting Captain Marvel's secret identity and being involved in an explosion, wherein he rescues her. She's basically named Ms. Marvel because there's no female version of the word "Captain" in English. So, yes, she

That would only make sense if Carol's last name was Marvel, not Danvers.

Hey, no reason to insult Odo whilst trash-taking Doctor Who. Odo is badass.