Marron Marvel

Pretend like it's "She" instead of "Ms." Oh look, it's She Marvel!

To clarify, the sonic screwdriver can do anything and everything it needs to as a plot device — except wood. It definitely doesn't do wood.

If you'll excuse me, I need to head to the patent office to patent the move to go with the "ugh, double-up, ugh, ugh" part of the song Baby Got Back.

I fall in the weird semi-butthurt area of the fact that I liked the movie right up until the point where it was revealed that Cumberbatch was Khan, and feel the film went downhill from there rather quickly.

The only Blu-Rays I own are the LOTR trilogy, because I need to be able to watch those all day every day at a drop of a hat, and they aren't on Netflix. Everything else, though? I don't even curr about compression artifacts while streaming.

Even if they weren't finding a way around it (maybe River giving up her regenerations, or some other thing) 12 regenerations means 13 Doctors total, not 12 Doctors total.

RE: your "2001: A Space Odyssey" comments — if you haven't seen "Europa Report" yet, you should. It really puts the science back into science fiction.

I'm from Las Vegas; I already knew what a building looks like when it implodes. Thanks, though.

1) That is not blood; it's the last bit of ground not completely covered by rain until the third panel.

I love them so much I named my tiny dogs after them.

How about Netflix's House of Cards? Francis Underwood is always talking to the audience.

"CLARA! GET THE FUCK IN THE TARDIS OR FUCK THE FUCK OFF!" Thank goodness for animated gifs, because this needs to happen.

All I know is that when his run is over, his last words before he regenerates better be, "Fuckity bye."

This is something that I've been thinking about for a long time as well. You can't just throw easter eggs in as major plotlines and expect them to have meaning when the history behind them isn't there. When I saw STID, the entire theatre burst into laughter when Spock yelled out "KHAAAAN!" — except the dude next to

The day when Oxford dropped the Oxford Comma was a day that I wept for the future of mankind.

Defiance is campy as hell, though. It doesn't feel serious.

I come from Las Vegas, where houses don't have basements or attics; everything I know about these two spaces in a house comes from horror movies. So, it took quite a while for me to be willing to go down into the basement to do laundry when we moved to DC last year. Also, I still have never opened and refuse to go

Yeah, I recently moved to DC from Las Vegas — where we don't have mosquitoes because the average humidity is 1% and they all die from heat before they're even born. I had my first mosquito bite after moving out here and cried to my husband that I was going to get malaria. And then I got bit 20 more times and looked

Maybe. But I drink coffee alone at my desk at work, and that cup of coffee is the difference between me hating everyone and everything with the fire of a thousand suns and tolerating everyone I work with.