Marron Marvel

As someone who grew up with ducks, I can affirm that this is pretty accurate, especially re: the pooping.

Fair enough. I grew up with TNG, so I may be biased.

What? I love the Enterprise D!

DVD or iTunes.

I misread this as "beard-chain experiment" and am therefore highly disappointed even though this is pretty cool.

Love it, but shouldn't she be wearing pink tennis shoes?

You always see the love interest falling in love with the hero as the movie progresses. What I would really like to see is a superheroine with an already established love interest. Her new superpowers complicate her relationship, and it comes to a point where the love interest forces her to choose him or her new

Wonderfully said!

You obviously don't hate baseball as much as I do, haha.

Take Me Out to the Holosuite. More like shoot me in the face right now.


Me, too. "Hmm, this article doesn't have any images of people with this condition." Now I know why.

Monday must have been a crap day for you, then. Stay inside tomorrow, too!

It's amazing how emotionally attached we get to TV characters, isn't it?

Right? My husband watches the show and I was like, "What's the big deal? I guess I'll watch it with you," and then everyone was murdered. I may have to go back and watch this show from the beginning now so it can make sense.

This was the first episode of Game of Thrones I have ever watched.

I can only imagine how it would have turned out if Spencer had not died and they hadn't been forced to write him out.

Oh my gosh, I know. I just recently watched West Wing for the first time, and I didn't know the actor died until then and I was like "NOOOOOOOOO."

Oh noes! I'm so sorry. :( It's so sad, isn't it?