Marron Marvel

I would go back for my cat. Because fuck you, I love my cat.

Are you sure it's not the baseball episode? I'm pretty sure it was the baseball episode.

I know lots about science. In fact, if I was going to quantify the amount of stuff I know about science, I would have to say that I know a metric fuckton about science.

I kind of feel like that's what makes this movie interesting. I really hate Superman in the comics. He's a goody two-shoes and a pretty damn boring character. Maybe having to earn humanity's trust by being a good guy even though they all want to shoot him and/or dissect him will make him a little more three

Vegas is "should a haven for all things Trek," (typo alert!) because it used to be home to Star Trek: The Experience.


Sounds like you're off to a good start! Kudos to you; the first steps are always the hardest.

I can't. I just. I am out of cans. Too adorbs.


This is Meriadoc, AKA Merry. We just adopted him last weekend. Our other dog is Pippin. Yes, we are dorks.

*slow clap*

That's not what I remember Tori Spelling's nose looking like.

But, okay, I think Whoopi looks mildly ridiculous.

I'm weird, too, then. Also, shut up magazine, Cher is magnificent.

*slow clap*

Bless this post.

Well played, sir. Well played, indeed.

I would love to be at work for only 25 hours a week. That's about how much work I have to do in a week, even though I'm there for 39 hours M-F.

So, does io9 just let its writers post anything any time without any kind of proof-reading? Or is Michael Isben an immortal?

Is his weakness that all Doctor Who comics are drawn with the shittiest art possible? Because that's what this (and every other Doctor Who-related comic) seems to convey to me.