Marron Marvel

Brent Spiner's greatest role!

I love FFV, too. I haven't played it in years, though. I should rectify that.

I'm probably still the only person playing Final Fantasy IV, right?

DS is good. I also have it on my iPhone, and have played through it several times since I purchased it for my phone. There are a couple of points in the game that are weird and annoying to handle with the way the mobile version handles walk/run mobility, though.

In the JJ Abrams universe, anyway.

Everyone knows that the only reason he said this is to misdirect people from the truth about whether or not he really is or isn't Khan and if "John Harrison" is just an alias.

In my heart, Enterprise never has and never will be canon.

For me, it kind of creeps me out. I tend to look at the profile picture first over reading the name to see who is posting; so, when you see someone whose profile picture is a baby talking about how they want to jump the bones of Eric the vampire or whatever, yeah. Kinda creepy.

I mostly agree with this, but I just wanted to say that I absolutely loved Final Fantasy IX. That is all.

No, we must not respect the Waffle House. Waffle House only operates in states that allow for reduced minimum wage for people who work in restaurants. Which means most Waffle House servers and waiters/waitresses make $2-4/hour because they make tips.

I can't believe Lucy Liu had the balls to steal that landscape painting and drape it around herself like it's a dress. I think Kaley Cuoco's dress is my favorite of the beige/nude/blah colors.

I definitely agree that Superman is a much more boring character, but this was a very compelling article with a lot of good points.

Yes you are! That's so awesome.

After 2 months straight of boot camp and a 1100 calorie mostly unprocessed food diet, I lost 0 lbs. And, yep, it was a thyroid problem. Now that it's diagnosed, all of that hard work that had no results before is super working. Yay for finding the problem!

Of these diets, I have tried Weight Watchers, Medifast, and Atkins (not to mention a ton that aren't on this list), all with little-to-no success. Last year, I did boot camp for two months, five days a week for an hour a day and limited myself to 1100 calories a day, no breads/rice/etc. The amount of weight I lost? 0

Bless this post. I'm going to go download that right now. Thanks!

Bless this post.

The problem with The Big Bang Theory is that it isn't geared toward geeks; it's geared toward the "Pennys" of the world; and the jokes on the show aren't meant to be laughing with the guys, they're meant to be laughing at the guys for being ridiculous nerds. That's why I haven't been able to get into that show, as

Shut up, Universal, and take my money.

My husband and I moved in August from Las Vegas to DC (Ok, Arlington, VA, actually) so that he can go to law school. The house we moved into needs some tender love. Everything in the house was white when we moved in; the walls, the ceilings, the carpet (ugh, the carpet), the kitchen cabinets, even the curtains. We're