Marron Marvel

This nonexistent man is ridiculously beautiful. THOSE ROSY CHEEKS.

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I want so many things from The Noble Collection. This chess set is gorgeous, but I'd rather have the LOTR set.

Hah! Perhaps, but T&A does not necessarily good cosplay make.

I think you're right. I tend to enjoy short clips of Fallon's stuff, but watching the show as a whole is unbearable.

Agreed. Ferguson definitely deserves more adulation than Fallon, any day. Any time I watch Fallon, I feel like the audience is laughing awkwardly and uncomfortably because he's not funny, but they couldn't get tickets to see Leno or Letterman.

She looked VERY Titanic Kate Winslet. I thought I was the only one who thought that!

DEAD EYES. Yes, that was the phrase I was looking for when trying to explain to a friend how I felt about Crowe as Javert.

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My husband (who sings bass) said that he thought maybe Jackman was just trying to sing out of his range. Maybe that was part of the problem. I literally was thinking, "Just die already so I can get out of here," by the finale.

I have to say that I'm impressed. Based on the top image, I thought this was just going to be a lot of gratuitous T&A. Many of these are extremely impressive!

This is highly amusing, mostly because I found Hugh Jackman's singing to be the worst thing in this movie, not Russell Crowe's. Jackman was super nasally and it really got annoying toward the end.

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Bless this post.

I think it depends. My work's development office is hiring a new administrative assistant right now because they're so busy... but they're so busy that they don't even have time to look at any of the resumes they're receiving right now.

This is fascinating. Thanks for sharing!

I feel like this is probably an acceptable trade-off. Then again, I keep kosher, so maybe I'm not the best judge of such things.


Another for the list... I'm sure the trucker in Peewee's Big Adventure was meant to be scary, but possibly not so scary that I still can't watch that scene nearly 30 years later as an adult.

Before clicking to read this, I was mentally complaining about how I am tired of lists of "X Blahblahs that are Blahblahier than Blahblah," but as I've only read about half of these books, it looks like I now have more things to search out at the library; so, this list was actually quite useful. Cheers!