Whaat? I would love to see Jez and the commenters get into this.
Whaat? I would love to see Jez and the commenters get into this.
Oh dear, get a hold of yourself woman!
I'm here to read about Landmark. Those seminars are scary and definitely brainwash-y. Ugh, the poor bastards working at Lululemon who had to sit through those...
Yeah I didn't read that as her clapping and smiling like an idiot - looks to me like there was some trouble brewing behind the scenes and Yellow Dress 100% supports the de-crowning.
That sounds amazing!
It is the way we do it.
I drink alcohol, I LOVE using profanity, and I attend the opera (sometimes all at once). I do not want to be Huckabee's friend.
Oof bonjour. I love Harry and that gif is magical.
That's amazing, good for you! I would love to deliver a speech like that, but I really don't think I could without raising my voice or getting anxiously breathy about it. I'm glad that doctor apologized.
Gah! I don't know what would be worse, seeing one of these from my partner's ex to me or the actual unpleasantness of her company. At least I know she's a handful from experience. From the letter I'd be all second-guessy...
Fuck those dick guards thinking it would be fun to mess with their female colleague and the visitor to satiate some idiotic school boy fantasy.
I love that quote and really needed to see it this week. Thank you :)
Oh yes, and they should have warned me that even after eating all the right foods, putting my daughter to my breast every 1.5 hours, pumping in between, taking the horse pills, using the tubes, etc. I STILL couldn't breastfeed her...and how fucking awful that felt. I live in a place where BF-ing is pushed HARD and I'm…
She wants us to know she did pre-natal yoga and is really good at getting skinny again. Good work, Jensy. What a brave, useful perspective.
How was the customer an asshole for *not* reacting to having eggs on her?
I wouldn't hate you, I would have served you gladly because you seem polite (and you're a good tipper).
OMG I thought I was the only person in the world this happened to.
Go Crista! Thank you, thank you, thank you for sharing this. I decided to do something similar for my NY's resolution - I am still left with a huge amount of anxiety as a result of being molested decades ago. Taking the bull by the horns - or the vag by the clit! (sorry, love bad puns)
I am so jealous you have a spot in $7 daycare. I've been on the waiting list since I was pregnant...
No. Free speech is a legal right, depending on where you live. It makes no claims to be at all times moral, just, or kind (which the poster meant by "ok").