
I've watched his show once and his attitude left such a sour taste in my mouth, I couldn't watch again. It's so rare that I find someone on TV too eye-roll-worthy to be even slightly entertained.

I think enough people have made this point by now, but in case it bears repeating: Igy Azalea can perform rap if she wants to. She cannot realistically spout lyrics referring to herself as a slave master an expect people to be cool with it. This is not a debate about whether white folks can rap. This is about Iggy

Do you now want a cookie for not being one of THOSE white people who is not one of THOSE OTHER white people? You're expressing the same sentiment the author is talking about, just from a different angle.

Not cool. Faithful is not a synonym for stupid.

Thank you, so much, for writing this. On a sports blog, no less, where I can see from the comments, you are getting some backlash from readers who think they are smarter than they really are.

No, you're not. She's being rude, and her mother is allowing it. Yes, the interviews must be boring, so that's a cue to the parents to say fewer interviews, more time playing.

I don't like the part where she throws the dice on the woman on the floor, looking maybe like she passed out partially clothed.

Anna, your articles have been awesome to read - thank you.

The rest of that comment doesn't make sense, but I would like to know - have the jezebel editors finally come out and said, "yes, we are a feminist site?" That you gals didn't in the past always confused me.

I think...this I've just been fighting it for years because I was taught I had to be a Good Girl. I am angry so much of the time; mostly, when I think about it, because I want to be straight with someone about their bullshit, but I get swayed by guilt, and end up running a list inside my head as to why that

Haha, I don't know why, but this exchange made me burst out laughing. RDJ will forever in my mind be sitting at a piano with Ally, playing my favorite Christmas song by Joni Mitchell. Oh right, and some weird robot-movie that was playing on an airplane while I had a pounding Xanax and Wine headache. That is the sum

Who are these people who are seemingly constantly bombarded with noisy children messing with their perfect outing? I eat out, shop out, go out all the time - to mostly cheap and mid-range places that attract parents on a budget. I have only ONCE seen a child misbehaving so much that the thought crossed my mind to,

Yes, agreed. I meant only that the mother responded "I'll see you there," which I think is perfectly fine, and I would have still sided with her, had she said something worse.

I agree with everything you said, but the mother should have restrained herself from physically assaulting the other woman, if for no other reason than that she may have unwittingly hurt her badly, or may face charges, or something awful that she can't take back. I would be all over the mother's side had she just left

I am firmly on Hajek-Richardson's side, because physical assault is not OK. In light of the recent news story about a woman who murdered her son with autism, I will say that people just need to STFU about kids having tantrums and ruining your "experience" of something. I cannot think of a single place where, if you do

Well said.

It does, in part, give the women jobs, though. And so far it seems like this factory is above-board. Is that good for anything, or is it more likely a lie we tell ourselves to feel better about where all of our things come from? Probably the latter...

No, you are incorrect.

Agreed. I was scrolling down to see if anyone brought that up. I don't necessarily think it's a "threatening" message, but I can't really understand the store-owners' angle: "haha omagad Taylor Swift is soo annoying and not even real like we're REAL, let's make a joke about her being dead! haha all the REAL people