Never Forget:
Never Forget:
It seems like so many men think that if they don’t have a burning, all-consuming hatred for women in the forefront of their conscious brains, that this automatically means that they respect women. Like, if they don’t actually think the words “what a fucking cunt” they are okay.
I think your primary obligation is to keep your children safe. Not everyone has a grandfather that is a safe person, and you are not causing your children harm by deciding that their grandfather will not be part of their lives. If you want the benefits that grandparents can provide, maybe making friends with elderly…
Don’t feel bad for the sake of your children: keeping your distance means keeping a shitty person out of their lives. No grandfather is way better than a shitty one.
All the people who thought we were paranoid for thinking that Rose’s ‘drug charges’ were part of a coverup are welcome to apologize right the fuck now. I’ll be waiting.
If you can avoid him, do it. Sooner or later your kids will know what he did and then your willingness to let him interact with them will make it seem that, on some level, you were okay with his behavior. No explanation will ever convince them more than your actions. You’re their parent and seeing you stand up for…
This is a tough one and I’m sorry you have to deal with it. I have no advice except maybe pivot a little on your statement that you worry you might be robbing your children of their grandfather. In truth your father robbed them of their grandfather with his despicable actions. You did nothing to deserve this. Good…
Hah, what I was thinking - the measures one has to take to be a complete garbage of human being sound just exhausting. Then maybe don’t? Chill, enjoy life and tons of spare time that you don’t waste on ruining other people... Meaning HE REALLY, REALLREALLY WANTED TO BE AN ABUSER.
“My crime was my rock bottom” “I am an addict”
Oh I’m sure the parasite Weinstein hired looked at it like an “acting” job to justify it.
How does any woman do this to another woman without feeling complete disgust at herself? Am I so utterly naïve?
I bet grade-school Weinstein spent six hours finding a way to cheat on a test that would have taken two hours to study for.
“Megyn Kelly said “something in our culture” is “just wrong.”
Notice how a person can shit all over black women and steal from us and still be considered a good person? That’s not an accident.
Never Forget:
Yeah, I was going to say that if cooking a dinner he’s going to eat as well because he lives there earns a husband sex, then I want a foot massage for each shirt I iron.
Yes I hate it. I’m a stay at home mom and no one thanks me or says what a great job I’m doing in raising my little. I may not be standing at the door with dinner every night and sometimes dog hair still ends up being on the floor but damn I’m trying my best. (BTW I have a lot of health issues that can make day to day…
If we’re being real with ourselves, Princess, a lot more people care about Drake’s beard than anything we’ve got going on down here.
Hi Princess Superstar! I’m sorry you chose not to respond to my email requesting comment but happy to see you here!