Everyone should read this, from the girls who managed to escape: https://medium.com/matter/if-we-r…
Everyone should read this, from the girls who managed to escape: https://medium.com/matter/if-we-r…
This article is mean. Bristol didn't ask for this or claim to be half as important as Malala. More importantly, I have a big problem with the author effectively mocking Bristol under the "trauma-induced amnesia" section. Bristol is describing rape there. Did no one edit this before slapping it up on Jezebel? WTF?
I don't entirely disagree! It's more accurate, though, to say that Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital is treating its nurses like disposable non-humans. And what about male nurses? Does Gohmert believe nursing is a 100% lady-profession? Poor Morgan Tookers...
As long as Jude Law is taking care of the kids, I don't care that he has many spread over three women. As Kate Winslet said, sorry I fell in love with three different men and wanted to have children with all of them (or something to that effect). I just can't get mad about Jude Law over this. Of course, different…
Nope. That's the face of a man who has just farted and is ten seconds away from giggling about it.
Most of these stories are funny and I feel for the servers and kitchen staff! I do sometimes feel sad for the poor lady who just like a little red and a little white wine mixed together :( who cares really? Even if it's a fancy place, who is this lady hurting with her preference? It seems unnecessarily mean and…
I'm a new mom, too, and THANK YOU for your comment. A happy, well-rounded mother who is her own person is better for herself, her baby, her partner, etc. And congratulations :)
From the source article: "Part of the trend, says one recruiting firm, is teenagers are turning up their nose at minimum-wage jobs...the number (of 16- to 19-year-olds) not wanting a job has steadily increased."
Thanks - I think I accidentally tried to dismiss a comment that was not in response to mine (and the dismiss option won't appear in that case). Got it now.
Can we actually dismiss, as in delete, their comments? I thought those days were over but I'm not up to speed on the new format. Anyway, yours is the first comment in this thread I've looked at since I made my original comment. I said what I had to say and could not care less what some bros who don't get it feel…
Not to mention, the green perfume gas is what I've always thought farts would look like.
I love the trail analogy you used. Well said.
"Do you literally think I mean hustling as in running quickly?"
It's clear that the part I quoted was a reference to general speech, applicable even outside the very specific context of the men's world cup.
"It's just basic speech and leaving off unnecessary qualifiers."
Good! I had to wikipedia her to check the birth years of her children...wasn't sure if you were an expert troll.
You're not talking about Gina Rinehart, are you?
Right, did you read what I wrote? There are a lot of comments expressing your belief that she is an asshole. I'm seeing that point and offering a possible counter-point.
Also LOL at his amateur I'm an ARTIST bingo with la-la land, prozac nation, and wal-mart references...