
Sauve mocks fashion by making fashion and selling that fashion to, of all places, The Bay? Did he confuse the gigantic retailer with some artsy-fartsy hipster organic t-shirt cafe?

Seems very possible this woman is suffering postpartum depression. Obviously, we have a long way to go if even a women-centric site like Jez is full of nasty comments about how this woman is just "stupid" or "Florida." I am surprised and disappointed.

I think Amy Poehler also said she has a great support staff.

I would LOVE if one of these super-wealthy moms (Kim, Goop, etc.) would say "raising this child is so much easier for me bc of my support staff. I am going to pay for a full-time nanny for one whole month for one lucky fan." And I would put myself on any number of email fan-lists in order to get a chance at that

Part of that concern might have stemmed from who would have been next in line...

meh i really think she is just posing, bc it's her. but i like your point in general.

If you are open to sharing, why was your aunt imprisoned? I'm so sorry.

It seems like they are naming men actually found guilty by the university, who have been allowed to remain on campus. Posting a list of their names as a warning to other students sounds fair to my ears.

I would love to receive a birthday card like that!

Everything in moderation (including moderation). I let my baby sit in her bouncy chair while the TV is on so that I can cook. If she wants to take a look she can, if not, she has things on her bouncy chair to occupy her. All well and good if you do not want to expose your child to TV, iPads, etc. but you best hope

Irresponsible idiots. The juice folks and the parents. Poor kids.

Ooh! Can we have a wine tasting section, if there isn-t one already? Would love to read that.

Did you mean to reply to me? What you wrote has nothing to do with what I wrote.

Um it is really important to be polite. I disagree with calling for this baggage worker to be fired, but I-m glad this incident is getting some press because evidently the preferred terms for deaf and non-verbal folks are not well known.

I haven't been able to find online a preferred term for someone who cannot speak - it seems mute may also be unacceptable because there are other, non-vocal ways in which people can communicate. If anyone knows the preferred term, please share.

I always thought dumb was the actual term for someone who couldn't speak. Eeek.

What does having fancy hand towels have to do with having a relationship? I think it is quite possible that this very rich white lady liked fancy hand towels and did not like being married anymore. End of story.

I'm trying to understand why Kim on the cover of Vogue is such a BFD. Why are people unhappy about it? It's not because she's beautiful; fashion mags only put pretty on their cover. It's not because she's dumb; I am sure cover models cover the entire range of dumber than Kim to smarter than Kim. Is it the

Something gave me pause when I clicked over to the Vocativ link. The title is "How Does Leslie Lessin Sleep at Night?..." Well, how the fuck does Richardson sleep at night? How can he live with himself, knowing what he does to young, vulnerable women? While I agree that Lessin is a shitstain enabler and coercer, I