
I’m sure they love the Constitution the same way the love the Bible: from afar. Reading either would just ruin the mystery.

Never been to North Dakota, huh?

I’m thinking that prosecutor is possibly unaware of how the Constitution works. Kind of odd for a republican state prosecutor, who probably with every breath they take is followed by how much they love/adore our Constitution and how dirty liberal judges are trying to dismantle it with every freedom they steal from us.

Given that they have actually been threatening shootings and assassinations if Trump loses (and they don’t seem to be empty threats either. Recently, three men have been arrested for planning to use car bombs on houses of immigrants the day after Election Day), I honestly wouldn’t put it past them to try and pull a

I appreciate and respect the sentiment, the bravery, and the integrity in taking a stand even in the face of violent opposition.

One of the worst things about this election is learning exactly what percentage of Americans are total monsters.

“We don’t care!” yelled supporters in the crowd

He was actually fairly animated. I thought he got into Donald’s stash. Allegedly.

To be fair she was rather noisy and he was trying to catch some shut-eye between questions.

Yeah. I actually have been just sitting here with fingers hovering over my keyboard, wondering when I stopped finding the GOP’s meltdown funny.

Engineer here, and I swear it sounds like we worked at the same place. At the time I started work I was just so happy to have a job (90's recession) and so young that I put up with a lot of stuff; and at the time was glad I played it off so well. Damn being raised to be “ladylike” and not cause trouble.

HRC has spent 30 years building relationships in the democratic party. Why should the party chair direct party resources to someone who joined the party about 5 minutes before announcing his candidacy?

“Schilling starts out by proclaiming that it’s totally normal for adults to remark on the physical appearance of their friends’ kids”

How is this woman so evil, first of all, but also HOW did she not see that coming?

Shimizu should have karate-punched Watters right in the jaw, followed by a swift kick in the nuts.

Buried lede: someone is honest to God named Biff.

There seems to be a really strong pattern of misogyny at NBC. The soap Arianne Zucker stars has been accused for years of regressing in terms of its portrayal of women and an actor playing a rapist in a recent storyline said the victim led his character on. There was the sexist Olympics coverage. There was Matt Lauer

Actually, he HAS been accused of rape and of other forms of sexual assault. And while I’m glad she wants to see the objectification of women end, she shouldn’t be propping up a guy whose whole shtick is about objectifying them.

Congratulations, Black Folks! Even Trump is all your fault!

Ya, but there are also people pretending not to get it, like this basic bitch.