I think she looks more like the Barbie Doll of Dorian Gray, but that’s a matter of perspective.
I think she looks more like the Barbie Doll of Dorian Gray, but that’s a matter of perspective.
Did this get shown on all the networks and cable, followed by an instapoll saying he has an 88% approval rate, soon to be 98%? I know he had all the corporate network heads and the big anchors, like the Wolf Blitzer and the John Dickerson, come to call on him at Trump Towers in a big sort of giggly grinning gaggle, so…
I wouldn’t assume Kobach was smart enough to come up with this studiously and artfully careless little bit of agitprop on his own, although, who knows? maybe he is: but Steve Bannon sure enough is.
Or they could just go full frontal and say, These cakes are in terrible taste, you’re acting like sexist jerks, and while we’re at it, what is this science legislation you’re trying to shove through that looks like something straight out of Nazi Germany?
Well, I just read an article in the Guardian or some such lofty place about how Bannon, having won the election for the white right, is now amusing himself by dividing the already-wretched and profoundly demoralized Democratic and progressive opposition, pitting us against each other, drinking our salty tears with…
Disappointing for all those people who have been rhapsodizing, “At last! A Real Lady in Our White House again!”
Although, do admit, it’s become almost fun, or at least deeply familiar, to watch Chuck Todd, et al, haring off after whatever diversion Bannon or Donald or some looney from Grifters’ Anonymous tosses up into the air, where it hangs and sparkles like fireworks before drifting back to earth.
Yes yes, got it, “brave men and women laid down their lives for your freedom, so shut up and do as you’re told.”
You’ll be fine with black guys (88% for Clinton), and reasonably safe with Hispanic and Asian guys (both 65% for Clinton).
I keep reassuring myself with the fact that most governance is going to be done by those old Republican snakes in the Senate, McConnell, Graham, Hatch et al. They are vile old men, but they know something about statecraft, unlike the loons, bomb-throwers, white supremacists and grifters in Donald’s White House: they…
Most of them can afford to fly out of state for their abortions, and work in a nice little spa-and-shopping weekend at the same time, so you probably won’t hear a whole lot of complaining from them.
But she’s on the list. She’s a smug, rich, insulated idiot who imagines herself to be a great political philosopher of the left. Nothing in her privileged and graceful life has ever exposed her to real risk or hardship. I’m sure she can endure a few tweets from Debra Messing.
And you can always freshen up those tired eyes with tears.
Only 20 more years until German forces invade the continent and liberate us from the dark forces of fascism, racism, tyranny, and deeply unhinged billionaires with a Napoleon complex. Meanwhile, join the resistance.
This is the same pattern as in Britain following passage of Brexit (championed by the same people who gave us Trump, including a bunch of crazy billionaires and Vladimir Putin, pushed through by the same combination of trolling, fake news, and the exhausted cowardice of the forces of democracy). They saw a very…
Adding to the horrendous, searing irony of the whole thing: some people believe that in the end, after this fascist mob has done maximum damage, it will be a coalition led by Germany that pretty much saves democracy and the world. ‘Haha!’ says the great arc of history, having the last laugh as usual.
I can’t tell you how very much I hope you’re right.
Well, given the outbreak of raw unabashed Jew-hating popping up all around us, like those death threats pouring in to Jewish journalists who have been doxxed by the alt-right boys, I’d have to go with “Never Say Never Again.”
These people just elected a white supremacist TV celebrity using fake news to tear down his opponent. Why on earth would they switch to non-fake news now, when lies have served them so incredibly well? They’re just getting started?
Yeah, this whole thing is actually the Bond movie where James Bond loses.