
In case this seems merely random, stupid, and Republican, be mindful: in states across America, not at all coincidentally, legislators are rolling out proposed laws that would ban protests that in any way ‘disrupt’ or ‘inconvenience’ hard working ordinary real Americans.

They actually believe history will say whatever they tell it to say--that future generations will even thank them for having “made the hard choices.” They really do believe this. This has always been true about the pursuit of power, which really does corrupt.

Actually, McConnell looks like it’s all he can do not to burst out laughing.

I’d be so for this.

The goal of these people is to have Senators appointed by state legislatures--that was actually the original design of the constitution, changed to direct, popular election by the 17th amendment about a century ago. It’s way too democratic (small “d”) for these lot—they loathe democracy, and are hell-bent on limiting

Classy? Dignified? I tell you, I almost just can’t wait until Andy Cohen interviews them all at the reunion show at the end of the first four years. I can picture Melania and, say, Karen Pence really getting into it, a la Vicki and Tamara, while Ivanka sits next to Andy and dabs away tears with just the tips of her

It seems like incompetent fascists would be the better bet, but Jeez, I just don’t know. Aren’t they also more likely to randomly nuke a small American city because they thought they were pushing the button for Sichuan take-out? This is gonna be hard. This is gonna be really, really hard.

They’re counting on doing it almost immediately so that it’s largely forgotten by 2018 (that’s why they’re mostly keeping it under the radar—they just want to come into session and vote on it as a fait accompli).

Democrats won’t win back the Senate in 2018 (most likely), but they could, if they removed their collective head from their collective ass, make some real headway in taking back governorships and legislatures.

Is it better to be terrified because they’re all soulless fascists? or to be terrified because they’re all so incredibly, astoundingly, unimaginably, unbearably fucking incompetent?

Why is anybody surprised? The guy is a fucking reality TV celebrity, invented by people like CNN Worldwide President Jeff Zucker, who was Trump’s producer over at NBC when The Apprentice made him, I don’t know, the guy who was going to win a presidential election one day. Why would we be even temporarily surprised

It’s not as if they were yelling at somebody gifted with a swift and agile mind capable of coming up with a devastating retort. They were yelling at Eric Trump, for pity’s sake, why would they waste the good ammo?

Loved her. Grand journalist. So sorry that she lost this battle, way too early. Fucking cancer.

Point taken.

This was the moment in history when the Republican Party could have decided to commit to join every decent human being in the US in making sure our shameful racist past would vanish into the fog of history--an appalling relic of an ugly and barbaric past.

Kellyanne Conway and Stephen Bannon, too, belong to a group called the Council for National Policy, so the CNP is well represented in the Trump regime.

He doesn’t bully and bluster with people who are stronger and smarter than he is—he rolls over like a little, shabby orange puppy with premature dementia. Or, to put it in language Trump himself might understand, he’s a pussy. He only hurts people when other people are holding them down and he can sucker-punch them

Well, his conflicts of interest certainly give them a hold over him. He doesn’t dare rebel—they’ll tell him who to nominate to the court, what policies to promulgate, who to praise, who to slime—they’ll pretty much script his “presidency” for him down to the last detail, with Pence hanging over his head the whole

He looks terrified. Maybe somewhere in that dim primitive little brain there’s one tiny vestigial little mote of sanity telling him, Big boy, you’re so far up your own ass you may never climb back out again.

Yeah, they’ll deserve whatever happens to them, but the fifty-plus percent of us who voted for Hillary are going to go down with the ship along with the people who really deserve it. So, not time to gloat: time to fight. Get political. Don’t sink back into the usual torpor.