
Nah France won’t take the bait.

Well, of course CRTV is doing this. Because, as Patton Oswalt reminded us after the election, it turns out this country is even more misogynistic than it is racist.

For what it’s worth, Hillary’s lead in the popular vote is now more than 1.7 million votes.

“Sent from somewhere over the rainbow”

Man, people sure have a strange way of expressing their economic insecurity.

We all should. Jews, Gentiles, etc.

We should all register as Muslims if it comes to that. An “I am Spartacus moment,” if you will.

But she had to sit through 100,000 + hours of watching ping pong. Those Save The Children kids have nothing on her.

She was unable to fully appreciate a lethal threat. Yeah, she hardly threw the election, but her failure to recognize the threat made it impossible for me to respect her.

And just such blinding privilege! As a straight white American woman I am “safe” from Trump’s presidency, but my boyfriend, a DACA recipient, will most definitely lose his job come January and god forbid may actually get deported. Sarandon has nothing to lose, millions of others do.

C’mon, just hand over your rights on a silver platter; there’s a constitution to uphold!!!

The best part of these letters is that, for the most part, they serve to show how deeply our public servants care about the cause for which they serve. These people are speaking anonymously and thus have little reason to lie, and what I get from reading these pieces is the terror that Trump will undo the work they’ve

God Speed, Angela Merkel, leader of the free world.

Orangefinger? Grabyopussy? From Russia with Love?

If you programmed a giant computer to spit out great names for villains, the best by far would be Nigel Farage and Marine le Pen. They sound like something straight out of a Bond movie.

Paul Ryan looks positively DELIGHTED in every photo I’ve seen of him in the last week.

It’s so delusional. They’re absolutely blackout drunk and out of their brains on power.

“Cynthia Shapiro, will explain that HR departments may not always be on the employees’ side when it comes to a complaint of sexual harassment.”

“Not so tough when you’re outside your cars, are ya?”

Relatedly, can someone in the Obama administration destroy the records on all the undocumented folks who have DACA, and then Obama can promptly pardon that person for destroying government property?