
This smug bullshit is why these two potential Democrat voters won’t vote for us! Stop shaming them!

The question of the day is: Do we want competent fascists? Or incompetent ones?

Oh god, my FB memories just recently showed me a post I made about what an apocalyptic nightmare scenario a Romney presidency would be. I want to find a time machine and go pat my past self on my little head and tell myself “oh just you wait my precious, naive little flower. Just you wait”.

I don’t how to feel about it. One minute I’m laughing so hard I pee, and the next I’m so terrified I...pee.

Remember when Ann Romney was crucified for wearing $2000 blouses and riding expensive horses?

Not a bit. They are like the Palins had inherited millions of dollars.

If I saw a Trump I would surely sputter, “Fuck you... you... you... asshole!” In the heat of the moment my vocabulary just dwindles to the most guttural basics. I always come up with all my clever retorts in the shower where no one is around to hear them.

I’m stone cold sober and this makes me ecstatic.

Stars for Pence = Borgia

Amusingly I read that to mean Trump looked up his own ass and saw Pence smiling back at him

I have a feeling that the GOP would like to dump Trump sooner rather than later. And really, how long can he go without breaking laws that will lead to impeachment? His unwillingness to distance himself or his own family from his many conflict-of-interest business dealings is going to be a world of trouble in and of

How long till he cracks? Seriously, he clearly never wanted the job in the first place; the candidacy was supposed to be a backdoor pilot for a media empire. Now he’ll have to face mountains of responsibility plus crowds of protesters. And he can’t spend all his time hiding in Trump Tower either. The one thing that

If their values are centered on racism, white supremacy, bigotry, and homophobia I couldn’t care less how undervalued they feel. I’m not going to try to empathize with my oppressors and it’s disgusting for people to be suggesting this is what I need to do.

I’ll treat President Trump with the same respect the Republicans treated President Obama and their willingness to unify. How’s that for fair?

Amazing how the news channels and nightly news shows are putting shit on a platter and pretending that the people who ran, applauded, laughed about, and expanded a campaign built exclusively on hating non-whites, including dead war heroes should now be patted on the back for a job well done by reporters who only want

This is why Trump won. We got tired of people like this calling us dumb so we decided to show them how dumb we really are.

May his supporters feel the same level of joy as he does.

The most awesome thing about this is how much damage it will do to the people who actually voted for this person.

I’m ready for Dems in congress to just go full Tea Party. No attempts at governing, just obstruct whatever the opposing party is trying to do and hope you get rewarded come midterms because they’re in charge now and then everything can be blamed on the GOP. Why not?