
Tangentially, I am surprised Matt Lauer is still employed somewhere that has a morality clause.

Particularly since Republicans have spent years redrawing voting districts and disenfranchising minorities in order to end up in this position. If it weren’t for the fact that we are ALL paying the price I would definitely enjoy the schadenfreude. . .

I am loving every moment of this. They push towards the deplorables, they lose support from moderates, they push to the moderates, the deplorables stomp their feet and don’t show up and they can’t keep their seats without base support. So Paul Ryan is stuck with two shitty options and good for him, he deserves all the

I am so fucking embarrassed. This election has turned into a fucking sideshow. We are voting to elect the leader of the free world. What in the fuck happened to us? This is the lowest point in American political history.

Well, that clinches it. I won’t be voting for Bill Clinton in the 2016 election.

I don’t care about the decline of Donald Trump as much as I care about the decline of the political party that made him a legitimate candidate.

2) They don’t care about peer groups that don’t vote Republican in relevant numbers, so Trump denigrating those groups did not hurt their down ballot.

Dan Rather has a lengthy and delightful Facebook post up calling out the sudden about face of a portion of the electorate. He has a litany of “Donald did X, but that was not enough” and it’s beautiful to read.

It’s really very simple. Trump may be a failed businessman, a tax cheat, a liar, a racist, a misogynist, a homophobe, a xenophobe, an adulterer who jokes about murder and sexual assault, while fantasizing about sex with his own daughter, but...Hillary’s the anti-Christ. So their choice is simple.

The rumors are that there is more oppo coming out over the next couple of days, so I am cautiously optimistic. But fuck, I just want this all to be over.

Don’t lump the whole list all together. There are those, such as John Kasich, who saw through Trump’s bullshit and NEVER endorsed him.

Every single one of these cowards knew EXACTLY what Trump was when they endorsed him.

Typical left-wing pinko liberal media bias tactics #101: quote people accurately.

He’s right. The NY Post is a vile, steaming turd of a newspaper.

“Here, Bill, have a potato and some whiskey and calm down. Geez, next you’ll want to fight and have 15 kids...”


Lisa Ling needs to do a segment where she heads on out to O’Reilly’s house and asks him questions about those saucy Irish tempers. I mean, it’s all in good fun and I’d love to know if it’s an “Irish” thing to cheat on your wife and then try to get her excommunicated when she divorces you.

Get rid of fraternities. Period.

Funny, I used my time machine to go ahead and watch the debate and the only memorable moment for me was when Tim Kaine bludgeoned Mike Pence to death with a harmonica.