
Christ guys, are you trying to hand West Virginia and Arkansas to Trump!?

The police are not an ethnicity, they are a profession, a rather powerful one at that. Being a cop is not on par with being Black or Latinx. The conflation of a profession, that one chooses, to one’s ethnicity is not only asinine it’s offensive.

In Massachusetts, a recent court ruling stated that black men, specifically, have legitimate reason to fear an interaction with the police, and that fleeing this interaction was not enough reason to detain or further search a suspect. Pretty damning stuff.

Maybe it was your tone. Maybe it was your sarcasm. Maybe it was your dismissal of all the young people shot summarily by cops who didn’t deserve it.

I’d sooner believe that the kid was afraid for his life then the cops were, and that that is why he ran in the first place. It’s the presumption of guilt on the part of the police, along with their willingness to escalate any situation, that creates the scenario where this boy felt he had to run. I’m not saying the

This. Also, “fearing for one’s life” is part of the legal definition of felony assault. Cops have to say this in order for a felony charge to be applied.

If the officers were indeed being shot at and the child did actually have a gun you would have a point, but since the officers refused to wear body cameras we have only their word what happened, and unfortunately they work for a department with a documented history of planting drop guns after shooting unarmed victims.

unless there is independant video footage backing up what the cops say, I just do not believe them.

I would have kicked the snitch. Don’t get your panties in a bunch about a little easily-removed paint. Trump’s classy decor is the real vandalism.

Seems to me the tagger’s political speech does less to vandalize the walls of a historic government building than its defacement with Trump signage.

Do you think that guy had a solid plan to do that, or was just walking by and decided “Hell no. Not today Trump”.

I want to spit at the white fratboy shitstain calling the cops.


“They are officers that shouldn’t be in uniform,” Robert Mann, the victim’s brother, told the Sacramento Bee.

Her sister Eva starred in GA.

I was living in LA going to USC when it happened. The local press went absolutely apeshit over it. It led the evening newscasts for days after it happened, then during the trial. She indeed didn’t give a shit, and actually got up on the stand explaining exactly how she had slapped the cop. Even funnier, the cop looked

In all seriousness, people voting for this guy need to have their citizenship revoked and be immediately exiled.

He Who Shall Not Be Named has made them bold! There’s no shutting this down in our lifetime. Progress in this country is two steps forward, one step back and this right here, is a step back, the backlash to the incredible leap forward that was Obama.

So this asshole is studying for a career in Law Enforcement?