
Honestly there’s also a good percentage of women, just like a good percentage of men, who are just fundamentally bad people.

It’s a betrayal for men to vote for him too. We all have mothers. Many of us have wives, sisters, daughters and friends. There’s absolutely no good excuse for supporting him. He is as close to an irredeemable candidate as we have ever had.

Best meme I’ve seen in a long time:

he has become one of the nation’s biggest fucking assholes.

Literally no one is pretending this.

Honestly, here’s my thing. Yes, the private email server shows that Hillary can be secretive and paranoid. Given that she’s had two Secret Service agents publish tell-all books with blatant lies about her, she’s been connected to every accidental death, suicide and murder in Washington DC in the past twenty-five

so thats what a seventh degree burn looks like...

Will happily send Trump your way!

At this point they’re fucked. Where the lie started and who started it, we will probably never know, but basically they know they’re caught and have to figure out what to do.

I still find it chilling that it’s not a landslide win.

I hope it’s brutal. I’m concerned people will be like “He didn’t threaten to nuke Canada and didn’t call Hillary a bitch even once! It’s really hard to say who won tonight!”

You gotta laugh at them, because what’s the alternative? Weep at the neverending abyss of ignorance?

They walk among us.

What they’re counting on is their belief that you will--the same way that we in MN have stopped protesting for the Philando Castile tape. Filibuster until you give up, is their thinking.

Obvious troll is obvious racist.

God, he’s such a fucking scumbag.

She followed up with, “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times...four score and seven years ago...that’ll do, pig, that’ll do.”

In response to Michelle’s comments, Melania Trump said, “Uh, no, not really. No, because you have to be in it, if you’re in it, and if you don’t agree you’d should have agreed before they ran. Bottom line is, if I didn’t agree with what Barack was saying, I would not support his run. So...I stand there proudly, and I

The right who hate him now can talk a big game but if it means getting their hateful agenda passed they’ll work with him. I agree about down ballot elections. if Trump gets in and the Congress stays the same or worse, turns more red, then we are really fucked.

I think it’s entirely possible that Ryan doesn’t think at all. His reputation as a smart guy has always been severely overblown, as his debate with Biden more than proved. He’s kind of a dolt, really.