
Bull journalism National Parks are protected by law no matter who is in charge period

He could do that . They would still critizise hill for not smiling during.

If anything, you are trolling me. Furthermore, I am fucking tired of people who self-identify as “left-wing” torturing both logic and the historical record to assert that Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are in any sense similarly “compromised” when she’s an excellent person, candidate and public servant and he

But you have to realize that line was a winner for him. He’s playing by a completely different set of rules than she is, than anyone has ever been allowed to by the parties and media and public.

If he directly answers at least 4 questions, people will praise his leadership qualities. If he manages to avoid calling Hillary a blood-dripping shrew, they’ll call him diplomatic. He’s judged on an ever lowering bar.

If Trump doesn’t audibly shit himself on the debate stage, all the media buzz will be about how he exceeded expectations.

As someone who has adored and admired Hillary Clinton since I was a child, I was certain that I would feel better about the election (and the prominence sexism) once the Democratic primary was over the progressive family finally united around HRC.

I watched the ep. As written, Bee made a damn good point how the slug could well provide American Hitler with enough zingers so no matter how well Clinton answers with policy positions, Trump will let loose with a zinger and “win” the debate.

You are objectively right, but it’s the subjective truth that will count in the debate, and subjectively, the standards are so very different for trump and Hillary. To “win” the debate, she pretty much has to reduce him to tears, while all he has to do is stay more or less upright.

The problem is that the previously agreed upon rules of sanity and decency don’t apply to Trump.

It is worth noting that a lot of Hillary supports have reported, at least anecdotally, that they don’t feel safe posting things like signs and bumper stickers.

voting for anyone who is not hillary is foolish and yes, sexist. im not trying to attract anyone to anything, I’m just stating facts.

This “her turn” stuff reminds me of the “Obama is the messiah” stuff that was thrown around after he was elected. Nobody was saying that except for the opposite team.

He threatened to open up libel laws. That’s actually a huge one. This morning he blamed free speech/expression for terrorism.

If you are a traditional Democratic voter who chooses to vote for Gary Johnson or Jill Stein or just not to vote, because you “don’t trust” Hillary Clinton, please go ahead and consider yourself my mortal enemy.

Thank you for explaining how well I am doing, I too feel I am doing well

Thank you for explaining Trump, I was wondering what was going on with him and now I know

Thank you for explaining myself to me, it is interesting