
It’s a little more than “not exactly what happened.”

Being dismissive of multiple allegations is just stupid. Where there’s a lot of smoke, yeah there’s probably a fire. Shame on Halpern for not taking this more seriously.

When I first read about her Facebook post, I assumed she was referring to the original iO, because all the female improvers in Chicago were banding together over it. I’m so glad she gets to see it’s happening everywhere, but I wish it didn’t take so much for it to be heard.

See, there is this little thing called science. Science is a method by which we eliminate human bias by collaboration and sharing of information. The scientific method, therefore, is where you develop a hypothesis... test it... then publish your results and testing methods so that others can replicate your findings.

You’re probably also baffled by the fact, that we have traffic laws, cuz if everybody would just drive carefully, we’d be ok, amirite?

I’m probably biased as an attorney, but I don’t think these things are as intuitive as you may believe. Employee manuals that lay out clear expectations of staff are always needed, IMHO.

I wish you were right. But like the man said, 11-1 is all they cared about in the mid-90s and it’s probably still an overwhelming factor in sports in 2016. If anyone other than Al Jazeera had done that PED investigation (and notice, they won’t touch anything involving any famous, likable sports persona), there might

So instead of an aw-shucks guy who loved shitty pizza and beer, he was actually just another big-time big-shot big-college douchebag football player with an overweening sense of entitlement. Color me shocked.

Thank you so much for sharing your story.

So you’re saying you made a well thought out, reasonable decision about your health and your body; the people responsible for it did not judge or subject you to their personal bias; and your supportive partner was there for you and cared for you before, during and after.

I had 3 abortions before I decided to have a child. All with the same guy. The abortions all happened before we were married. That’s not why I had them - I had them because I wanted a life. One where I wouldn’t resent any possible children for all of the things I “could” have done. I did a shit ton of shit before

I wish you were right, but I’m afraid my Blue Lives Matter white hillbilly relatives have indeed lost their damn minds about Beyoncé. Because Breitbart told them to, basically.

It’s all well and good to express doubt about this being the white reaction to the song. But by claiming that “most white people have no opinion on this song,” you’re doing the same thing you accuse others of doing, i.e. speaking for a giant group of people whose views you really don’t know. Maybe you should stop to

In following the thought processes here... Flying a Confederate flag isn’t racist. Denying an engaged lesbian couple a cake is defending your faith. A lion (you have no intention of eating for survival) is not a worthy living being, but a clump of cells is.

As a person previously ambivalent to Beyoncé, I enjoyed the song and the video immensely. If it’s *not your taste* that’s one thing. If it strikes fear into your white heart... I don’t know what to tell you.

Even NPR let this shit slide this morning without bringing up Anthony Kennedy, or even asking how often the situation had come up before. It was ridiculous.

Didn’t John Dickerson try to fact check during the debate and he got boo’ed by the audience and the candidates were like “lalalalalala” with their fingers in their ears?

Yes! Yes! Yes!

Here’s the thing, journalists could actually do their damn job and fact check republicans when they make claims that there is no precedent that a president in his last year in office gets to nominate a supreme court candidate, instead of asking the question like it’s a legitimate idea. I am sick and tired of

Lol, believe or not I’m an op-ed columnist (for a small newspaper) and I don’t think I’m awful (well i am awful but not Maureen Dowd awful). As of this moment I’m writing a column about the racist blowback to Beyonce’s Super Bowl performance.