
And let us marvel again at how precisely Andrew Sullivan, the man who spent thirty years slowly figuring out that modern American Republicans aren’t British Tories from his childhood, measured the pulse of our society.

God, thank you for drawing this link between the Pauls, “libertarianism,” and what I’ve always thought I was the only person to refer to as “South Park politics.”

Well, this is depressing.

Not just rich white people, but 1% rich white people.

Boo. Fucking. Hoo. To which I’ll also add “Get down off the cross, somebody needs the wood.”

You know, the only people who have it worse off than white people in this country are rich white people.

I sure hope you’re right. I was thinking that the more they keep this case alive the greater the chance of more clinic violence occurring will be. :(

Republicans would say she had every chance to buy her own gun and because she didn’t it’s her fault he killed her. What was she thinking, telling a guy she didn’t want to date and forgetting to arm herself?

Yeah this is a three-part disaster: socially conditioned male entitlement, no real system for adequately treating our mentally ill citizens, and far too lax gun laws.

Not only is it believable, Republicans think this is normal. This is the way things were supposed to happen. His right to have a gun to kill her with is more important than her right to life.

During his confession, O’Kroley told the police “it was easy to kill” Nosal because “she had ruined my life.”

Will this never cease to be the truth??

A former girlfriend told the Wisconsin State Journal that O’Kroley had tried to commit suicide in 2014, and that he has been seriously mentally ill for the past decade.

I wish I had the author’s positive outlook on the Zika virus changing the minds and hearts of those who are anti-choice. Actually, they’ll double down — if Those Women had just used mosquito repellent correctly/had kept their legs shut/had trusted Jesus more, they wouldn’t be in this position!

I dunno, Cory Booker was probably shoveling snow in between rescuing old ladies from burning buildings and serving hot coffee to homeless people.

Yes! The good men of Congress stayed home to protect their rugged homesteads from invading hordes of frosty beers. Bears...I mean BEARS! Did I say ‘beers’? Damn autocorrect[hiccup] iPhone!

Honestly, I think it’s because as a female you are worried you’ll be judged if you don’t show up. Dudes just take for granted that they can stay home when they are sick, their kid is sick, or it’s dangerous to travel.

I’m so glad that a large number of people are acknowledging that the diversity problem Hollywood has is deeply ingrained in the fundamental structure of the industry. It’s not just about the hiring of actors, it’s the hiring of directors, screenwriters, producers, DPs, editors, sound editors, sound mixers, composers,

I’m surprised no o e has commented on how many time the cop crossed the double yellow himself, even when he wasn’t passing another car. They guy would cross into the other lane for every other turn, which is much, much worse than what the dude was doing on his bike.

Now playing

Because a lot of people take the guilty plea while completely innocent because they either have no/overworked representation.