
Maybe it's cool if you sing it in Italian. "Vaffancuuuuuuulo!"

The piece-of-shit old people couple is bad enough, but WTF 2nd-manager-dude??

If this man complains about your hair, I'd love to hear what he says about the ridiculous middle age white lady bouffant updos you see in Texas. (Probably nothing, because he's a racist asshole.)

Allenby is a world-class golfer. He should be able to get out of a tough lie.

Absolutely zero snark from me on this story. This man's clearly a victim. Anyone who saw more than one Taken movie certainly didn't do so of their own volition.

I have found that the only people I can really talk to about my cutting my dad out of my life are other people with very dysfunctional family members. Whether or not they have cut off contact doesn't matter- they totally understand that it's heart-wrenching and a decision made fore self-preservation.

As I'm reading: Oh god...OH GOD. It's me! Goddamnit...and articulated much better than I could've done. Would love to forward this article for my mom, but she'd just tell me I'm being hurtful and willfully only remembering the bad times. Because her memory is unerring and my childhood was fine...

I stopped taking to my dad when I was 18. For a very good reason. I'm pretty sure he knew/knows why, as he tried calling me once or twice and never tried again. Because of a few clueless people trying to tell me "blood is blood" or whatever, I just now tell people he's dead.

I think sometimes abusive parents have a tendency to believe the lies they've told themselves about how wonderful their children's childhoods were. Particularly if their children turned out to be decent adults.

Thanks for pointing this out. #FoxNewsFacts was trending all evening due to that dumbass' ignorant comments about Birmingham so I was hoping to see it being covered here. What upsets me so much about that fucking idiot is that he sprouted off lies on air but then posted his lame apology online. The Fox News audience

Americans are idiots who keep electing Republicans despite it being diametrically opposed to their own interests. #RupertsFault #NoSeriously

Visibility is so low that once a couple of vehicles wreck, the ones coming behind can't see them until it's too late, and they helplessly slide into each other

The thing I never get about these wrecks is why the hell are all these cars heading into the pile up going so damn fast in the first place with these conditions. Living in Southern Ontario all my life in conditions like this on the highways cars are probably going to be rolling at 60 km/h-80 tops for safety reasons.

yes. They should've ran out into the white out ice covered highway and just waved their arms. That wouldve been safe. There isn't much they could have done at that point.

Considering the level of visability and the amount of snow on the road, EVERYONE involved in this crash was going way too fucking fast. They were flying.

Depends... are the Low Points minorities?