
"In terms of clothes, perception is reality"

This is a little off-topic, but... I had a friend who showed up to my father's funeral wearing jeans and work boots. Because that's what he wears for his job. He took his lunch break two hours early so he could come and pay his respects and I thought it was lovely. He made an effort to be there for my family and we

Or choosing your comrade's funeral as a time to make a statement like such. What's more disrespectful to that poor man's memory? Jeans or being total brats? I'm gonna go with total brats for 500, Alex.

What would be best, is if the NYPD would quit telling lies, killing people, and making up reasons to throw temper tantrums.

"Oh, it wasn't jeans? Well, wouldn't surprise me if she did wear them!"

It's almost hilarious that when the NYPD sat around brainstorming ways to prove how necessary they are to the daily functioning of the city they came up with, "Stop writing tickets for bullshit petty offenses and harassing people on the sidewalks, that'll show 'em! They'll come crawling back to lick our boots after a

Truly. This is a good thing for many citizens. Stop and frisk is a terrible policy that maybe (but only maybe) slightly reduces petty crimes, but the effects of the increased "policing" only engender more mistrust of police, swell jails and prisons, and disproportionally and unfairly target low-income, minority

I suspect that, like most things with the NYPD, at the bottom of this issue is the fact that Chirlane McCray is black.

NYPD, this one's for you:

I just can't with this. You know what's disrespectful? Turning your fucking back on the Mayor of New York because you're upset that he, what? Talked about having to protect his son from police violence? Fuck right off with your jeansgate.

I'm fine with the slowdown. Keep it up long enough and we can decrease revenues from ticketing poor people, trim the budget, and fire some cops. Start with any that have had excessive force complaints.

I think that's a Goldie Hawn line from First Wives Club:

The meteor will be a complete surprise.

Black? Those kettles & pots can't be black! They're Republican!!!

A better person would enjoy this less. I am not a better person.

Indeed. If I decide to drive like a race car, then I commit. I will not get rear ended being an aggressive driver... I may hit something in front of me, but I don't use the coward pedal for sure.

I promise you, the trucker didn't have a legitimate reason to be in the left lane.

Glad she's okay but any horse that takes the attitude of "Fuck 'yo photo!" is a horse I like.