
This, right here. I envy and sometimes resent my husband and white friends because they can just go through life without dealing with this. Like, I can't even go into local store and buy pantyhose or foundation that suits my skintone. I have a white friend who was like, "I'm so pale I can't find powder!" It's. Not.

I am a good white person. ... And do you know what? I don't see a need to apologize for it.

Not talk about it. You can just do the right thing without telling everyone. That's not only for issues of racism, it's also just a general rule. You shouldn't need positive reinforcement for being a decent person. Just be one.

1) After the vines of his kid, I became an Andrew Hawkins fan

Feel encouraged?? I just found out an unbelievable athlete is not only fitter than me, but also smarter. Tough way to start my 9-5, Barry.

Good for him. Also really glad to see him calling some more attention to the Crawford story, which seems to have gotten a bit lost in the mix with all the other tragedies that occurred over the past several months.

"To clarify, I utterly respect and appreciate every police officer that protects and serves all of us with honesty, integrity and the right way. And I don't think those kind of officers should be offended by what I did."

I'm sure that officer understands, wherever he is.

Because generally speaking they don't face bad guys. Your average police officer doesn't arrest bad guys, they arrest petty criminals, vandals, prostitutes, and drug dealers. Most of whom are unarmed and 'resist' by running away.

Wow, they actually found a way to put the words "Cleveland Browns" and "pathetic" in the same sentence and yet STILL BE WRONG. Damn.

If we're all supposed to honor and respect you for being big strong men willing to take a bullet to enforce the law and protect the public, maybe you shouldn't undercut that by being hysterically overreactive crybabies about the slightest implication that maybe somebody in your ranks is doing a shitty job?

HOW IS THIS A THING? How can cops face criminals and bad guys, but balk in the face of even the mildest criticism when they totally fucked up?

But what did Costello and CNN producers think they were going to get when they booked her? A nuanced discussion on a very real and troubling aspect of life on college campuses? Please. Princeton Mom's whole view on women and relationships is straight out of a 1950s home ec class.

Does she really carry an orange pen and wear orange-y scarves to reinforce her pathetic, self-proclaimed 'Princeton' brand? I'd like to complete the look by stuffing a large Navel orange into her mouth so we never have to hear any argle-bargle from her again.

Yeah, for me personally I think it's nice to give someone the benefit of the doubt when it involves stuff from childhood. That's not to say you can't be hurt and you can't bring it up and ask for an apology or refuse to have a relationship with said person. But most people do change and grow, hopefully for the better.

Yeknow, I always say this: Do you want to be judged based on who you were at 18/16/14? I know I don't. I was a raving conservative in high school. I'd be mortified if people thought that was still me.

That's just the sort of pissy, childish letter I'd expect from yet another bitter conservative debate-club nerd who still can't get over the fact that the "cool kids" in high school and college didn't respect him and his "edgy" contrarianism.

This fuckin' guy. There's James O'Keefe, and then there's people who aspire to be James O'Keefe. Ugh boy.