
People, people, please! Why all the fuss?

You and I can get the flu, take a couple days off work, and be right as rain. The problem is that we're contagious before realize we're sick, and can pass that along to someone who *is* in a high risk group

I'm an MD and deal with this issue/conversation daily. 48% may be below our expectations, but imagine if we had an Ebola or HIV immunization that effective. At risk people would be lining up to get it. The thing about influenza is that a lot of people don't think they're at risk (e.g. all the "I only get sick once

You do not have 5000 ballz and I refuse to dignify that part of your name with a response.

I might use a different name than "TerrorBallz" if I was going around lecturing folks about feeling silly

Right? He's sort of snickering and yet end ups moving away, folding in on himself — all the body language of someone who's just been righteously whapped on the nose with a newspaper.

Let's all marry that lady, it won't be weird

The more #CrimingWhileWhite stories you read, the more they start to sound like humblebrags than they do like addressing inequality.

A hearty go fuck yourself for baseless assertions:

Read the transcripts. The chances that the grand jury got it right, given the out and out misdirection they were given by the ADAs, are minimal. What you said about how the SLPD comports itself was on the money. Now think about how likely it is that a member of a police force willing to behave that egregiously toward

I have some fondness for the city, but it's surrounded by the county. Most of the county can and should go fuck itself.


I think by gunning down suspects in the street and then trying to stamp out peaceful protests like a bunch of fascist pigs that the St. Louis PD has done a fine job minimizing the "outstanding work" their organization has done for years to come.

Not that I'm particularly surprised but still.

Not a surprise given that if a citizen is so much spotted as filming a cop hassling another citizen, the individual with the camera faces intimidation, threats, and even arrest for exercising her or his First Amendment rights. Maybe this country's entire population of Chief Piggums needs an intensive refresher course

I thought it was offensive when the officials by the goal line kept making that same gesture in St. Louis today. Enough is enough.

So, let me get this straight: Missori cops want to punish black men for putting their hands up and saying "Don't shoot." Hrm.