
I'm sure the ability to turn water into wine comes in handy

I feel kinda bad for Jesus for having to hear her go on about it for hours.

Good lord she is just a striking young woman. They're both perfect mixtures of their parents. Ignore the haters, girls. You're lovely.

"Random GOP asshole tries to slut shame teenage girls and we're the ones who are supposed to 'embarrassed'"?

I always have a chuckle at people who passive aggressively take to social media to tell others they need to have more class.

It's really not that problematic. I think it's the better movie of the two.

The U.S. is obsessed with the idea that the UN is trying take all our freedoms, like hitting our children and being racist.

It's nice that you're still innocent enough to think anti-choicers care about "life". It's all about stopping women from having sex.

I'm really glad these toys didn't exist when I was a child because I'm pretty sure it would have taken most of my hair with it into the stratosphere.

Except for the fact that you're supposed to show up prepared for class. In my high school PE class, if you forgot your gym clothes you could either play in your regular clothes or take a zero for the day. I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that they don't spring pool days on you unexpectedly, so I would call

I graduated from college in '86 and deliberately refused to see this movie because of what I viewed as a plot straight from anti-feminist hell—two women sparring with each other for a job and a man. Reading Faludi's essay in "Backlash" cemented it for me.

The 1980s. When there was enough Aqua Net in the atmosphere to slow the rotation of the earth.

Boss: "I got some bad news guys..."

Thank you so much for writing this Kara!! My sentiments exactly! It's very hard to articulate such delicate matters to others (people who are not black) without it being misinterpreted, and you were spot on!

The craziest thing to me in the aftermath of these killings is how accepting most people are of the militarization of the police. I fully expect that when video footage is found (dashcam or otherwise), Mike Brown will have done nothing that could warrant a reaction with fatal force, but people will still look and