
Magic,duct tape, the magic of duct tape, body glue, shapewear,built-in bras—whatever it takes. It takes a lot.

Do not expect journalism from the kind of people who refer to “the narrative,” and who give bonus points to the candidate who “controls the narrative.”

You’re absolutely right. This is revolting and obvious propaganda, it’s deeply corrupt, and it is purely designed to inoculate the cops from criticism while justifying the bogus “war on drugs” (a $16 billion industry in this country) so that all that sweet, sweet taxpayers’ money will continue flowing in to police

No, I’m glad she said deplorables, and people need to stop acting as though Democrats need to stand in the corner being very, very, very careful not to say the Wrong Thing or else the Republicans will be mad.

That’s the whole Republican secret sauce right there. Eliminate democracy by misdirection.

My mother in law is voting for Trump in large part because he reminds her of my late father in law, also an abrasive, loud, socially graceless New Yorker who never changed a diaper, although not, it must be said, a billionaire.

This is not going to happen. They’re not going to ask Trump questions. They’re going to put Trump in the fucking Oval Office, God help us.

The dog looks as though it’s afraid to move.

Hillary has released thorough health records, and has authorized her physician to speak to reporters. Do you think pressuring Trump to release a real health record will turn out to be any more successful than all that pressure on Trump to release his taxes?

Born under a bad sign, I guess.

Just so we understand, here’s a brief history of presidential health since the year 1900 (let’s not go all the way back to George Washington’s rotten teeth, tuberculosis, and frequent bouts of malaria, dysentery and smallpox, shall we not?)—not that any of this is going to save Hillary from the cable TV crowd:

You must understand that for most of our political press—still overwhelmingly white and male, still semi-consciously bitter about the fact that a black guy got to be president before all the white guys had had their turn—the Big Get will not be to see the first woman sworn in as president of a country where women

It just seems pretty clear to me that the power of dark money being what it is, and the interests of the corporate news business being what they are, these dreadful people have taken a deep breath and decided to go all in for Trump, mostly because that’s the only way they can guarantee themselves a Supreme Court and a

The Russian mob is a pretty big presence in parts of New Jersey, so I guess Chris represents some of the same constituency represented by Donald.

Unfortunately, it’s not that easy nowadays to tell the difference between the coverage of Trump at Breitbart, and the coverage of Trump at the New York Times or the alphabet networks. Hillary’s coverage has gone from 82% negative for the 15 months ending in May 2016, to virtually 100% negative (and generally deeply

Oh gosh, if she was conservative everyone would be picking on her.

For most of human history, women weren’t forced to abandon their jobs and raise children alone in an isolated setting while men went off to work in another, remote setting.

This goes back to “love it or leave it,” the McCarthy-era attack on anyone who dared to criticize the USA for those little things like (among other things) lynchings, poll taxes, loyalty oaths, Red scares, or clandestine US-sponsored assassinations of other people’s heads of state.

Back in the 1930s, my grandmother made my aunt give up her own dream of higher education and go to work to help put my father through college.

“I’m not afraid of death, I just don’t want to be there when it happens.”—Woody Allen.