
Nope: we haven’t returned to that phase, not quite yet.

This is just sad. I love Hillary. I forgive her. I will vote for her, unless Bernie is the nominee, in which case I will vote for him (obviously, I’m voting for the Democrat for every office on the ballot this fall, and I utterly refuse to indulge the bogus sectarian war between Hillaryites and Bernieites).

Old Handsome Joe. He’s definitely got that “old guy who can still do it without pharmaceutical intervention” vibe.

As an American woman who has married twice and taken my husband’s surname each time, I can assure you that these laws make registering to vote not just inordinately and insanely difficult for significant subsets of the populace, but expensive as well.

The late, incredibly unlamented Andrew Breitbart was very big on this concept. It’s basically about getting to smoke a lot of weed while you worship Ronald Reagan, i.e., deeply sick and stupid.

The Republicans have gone over the cliff for the rich men who own them, and we’re in for a long, ghastly year of GOP electoral theatre, from this anti-choice madness to the hijinks of the Bundy set trying to “liberate” taxpayers’ land for the benefit of the mining and ranching interests out west, to the various

Goodness gracious mercy Maud, women in pants! We’d better round up the chickens and hide in the cellar till the storm passes! Whatever will they think of next?

Too many people seem to elide Avery’s obvious deficiencies as a human being into an argument that “therefore” he deserves whatever happened to him at the hands of the justice system.

Yeah, Elmo is a chipper little narcissist. But even with Elmo and even on its worst day, this show was less grindingly annoying than Mr. Rogers’ Neighborhood with its creepily anthropomorphic puppets and its ghastly poststructuralist insights delivered with a smile, sotto voce (“you’re afraid when the toilet flushes,

It appears that cafe society, like cafe au lait, develops a cold withery skin on top when it sits too long. These people are the epitome of what Christopher Hitchens once called the “international white trash jet set,” so creepy and insular and clueless they’re practically hypnotic.

If anyone’s been paying attention over the last few years, Trump isn’t exactly breaking new ground here: he’s merely playing the Fox Card.

I dimly remember a perfectly lovely program about cormorant fishing in China. Although cormorant fishing turns out to be cruel, so there’s that. But it was a whole lot better than the Duggars, who also turn out to be cruel.

The only silver lining anywhere in all of this is that at least now whenever there’s an article about the Duggars and people pile on with the requisite (and entirely legitimate) derision and outrage, there isn’t some smug little prig chiming in sooner or later with some smarmy variation on, “It’s their choice, so shut

As Illinois Senator Everett Dirksen once observed, “A million here, a million there, pretty soon you’re talking real money.”

Here I must stand up in half-hearted defense of white men—at least the vast, teeming majority of them who are nearly as wretched and as dispossessed as the people they’ve been trained to hate, who have never run the world, who have never been rich and never will be, and who, on the whole, have no power at all beyond

I wouldn’t bet on a US higher education being the smart choice for the kid four years from now.

At some point in a long life I read a book that included a description of the smells at an aristocratic London ball in the earliest years of the 20th century.

How the fuck do they do it? Easy. Since 1973, when —less than a year after the corrupt racist Republican thug Nixon routed McGovern in the presidential election leaving Democrats in panic and disarray—the US Supreme Court handed down its ruling in Roe v Wade, these bastards on the uber-right have had no real, serious,

These people (cops) tend toward violence. They display a considerably higher rate of domestic abuse than the rest of us—nearly double the national rate. They spend a lot of quality down time beating up their significant others and their kids, frequently to the point of intervention and hospitalization.

You knew they would.