
I don’t believe the union would accomplish this better than a simple demand focused on this priority would.

They’re a superior option for hookups, sure, but for long-term relationships or for people who get regularly tested then it’s not worth the tradeoffs, so hormonal birth control is much better.

The store brand almond butter I buy (Harris Teeter) says you’re supposed to “refrigerate after opening.”

“I don’t go around touting what I believe“

this is why the term ‘ally’ should be dropped. it was invented to box (mostly men) into approved intersectional / apologetic behaviour which was bad enough. But i don’t trust any person who openly signals their virtue with this term.

Obviously that second part is muuuuuch easier said than done, but it seems like there’s no amount of shoe gazing and thinkpiece-ing that is going to get around the fact that someone needs to say that a thing that is not generally considered to be explicitly bad, should be considered explicitly bad, and that that thing

God yes, this is why enthusiastic consent is a must.

why would anyone ever want a sexual partner who “just goes along with it.” Why can’t men ever stop and think, “hey, the person I’m about to have sex with isn’t 1000% into this. That’s gonna make this weird and gross. I’m gonna back off now.”?

Why on *earth* would anyone want to have sex with another person who’s less

I apologize if this sounds naive but as someone who’s a little sheltered from these sorts of things the sheer number of people, mainly dudes, who have this woke public face and are happy to go along with the ideas of #metoo until it applies to them and their bros really is shocking. 

This is the perfect hunting ground for the “woke” mysogynist. Women have been fighting so hard, and for so long, to be listened and believed. When some rando comes along, and recites the proper feminist codewords, there will always be someone who falls for it, feeling grateful she’s heard and understood.

I used to think that weight was between a person and their doctor. Then I had sciatica about 10 years ago. My first neurology appointment the doctor shamed me for 45 minutes about how my weight was causing my sciatica. Fast forward 9 years and 50# lighter.... I still fucking have that sciatica and wish I could scream

It’s going to be disgusting beyond words to watch 11 middle aged to elderly white males, including the likes of Grassley, Ted Cruz, Lindsay Graham, and Orrin Hatch sit there and pretend like they’re being fair and impartial towards this whole thing. When all they really want to do is say to Ford “Bitch please, you

This isn’t just an NCAA thing. This is an accreditation thing. In February of last year, they got a one-year warning sanction for student support systems, control of intercollegiate athletics and institutional environment. Obviously, that year has lapsed, but the accreditor is paying attention.

Whether you meant to or not, you’ve illustrated my point about how cheaply our culture holds women’s lives. A guy repeatedly beats his wife, and you’re arguing that’s it’s totally understandable why he kept his job because his boss is loyal to his grandfather. These “networks” and “connections” are just white male

It should also be noted that either choice he made would not have prevented further abuse. If he canned him them the guy would have probably taken it out on her sooner. If he let him stay maybe he would have done it again but there was also a chance the guy would recognize how close he was to fucking up his own life

I’m not sure I agree with your stance on #3. I’m way more inclined to think he didn’t. My reasoning is twofold: First, there really is only one method of reporting that lets you off the hook, legally speaking: reporting directly to the Title IX office. Talking to your boss does not count. We (everyone who works at a

Thank you. 

Saying “I never hit her” in response to whether or not you were the perpetrator of domestic violence when you have admitted in writing to choking you wife is among the most ridiculous bullshit I’ve heard in a while.

Urban Meyer is undoubtedly the most powerful man in the state of Ohio. If he were to say “we might win more football games if the speed limit were lowered to 30 mph” everybody in the state would be driving slower. So who exactly does he elevate anything to?

“Due process” being “we thought we could get away with letting this slide so of course we did nothing.”